You Have The Right To Remain Priceless
Posted on November 02, 2011 by Divine Fortson, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Positive Self Talk, Self Esteem, Happiness
Questions To A Wandering soulDo you love other’s more than you love yourself? Do you live to please others instead of pleasing your lord and yourself? Has your voice been drowned out by the sound of other’s? Are you constantly looking at ways to make someone else happy as you deprive yourself? Has your life been defined by people other than yourself? Do you constantly put other’s wants and needs in front of your own? Are you functioning on Auto pilot just getting by? If you answered yes to any of these questions. You are Guilty of self neglect and you could be facing a life time sentence of unhappiness, injustice, and low Self-Worth. You have the right to counsel with your lord and yourself to appeal for a speedy trial. To rejuvenate your authentic soul and restore the beauty and state of the soul as it was created by God.
Fatimah, Divine
“You were born with wings. Why do you prefer to crawl through life?” Rumi