Shoulds/Coulds CAN’TS/WON’TS Wants/Needs: a 3 part series
Posted on November 01, 2011 by Andrea Burk, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
The next time you tell yourself "I CAN'T,"
Don't tell yourself "I CAN,"
Tell yourself "I WON'T"
CAN’T leaves you…
• Helpless • Incapacitated • Hopeless • Unable to explore possibilities • Unable to defy limits • Powerless over your life and actionsWON’T makes you…
• Capable • Powerful • Self-Determining • Honest and real with yourself • Ask yourself “Why not?” • Remove subconscious blocks • Blow your goals out of the water • Achieve beyond your perceived limits and potential • Change to “I WILL!” (a much more action packed statement than ‘I can’)How many times have you heard a parent, a teacher, a friend, a coach a person say “Don’t say can’t! You CAN!” While it is true this response is probably the last thing you want to be hearing at your time of frustration and strife.
Even the most positive and optimistic people have times where they feel limited. Battles and obstacle are important for building strength, endurance and character. Not to mention they make our achievements taste even sweeter.
So, the next time you hear this crippling nasty little ‘C’ word creep into your vocabulary replace it with the with the strengthening ‘W.’ After all it’s no coincidence that ‘won’t’ starts with the same letter as “Winning!”
I will.