Building your career compass to achieving your career goals
Posted on October 17, 2022 by Suchitra Rajendra, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Key questions around 5 navigation factors that will enable you to build your unique career compass that aligns your career goals to life goals.
We spend more than 40 years in our jobs and wish to build a career. Our education and skills prepare us to choose our job but not to build a career. Once we have chosen our first job, we wonder, are we in the right path? We become frustrated when we feel we are not appreciated or the right doors are not opening. We feel we are behind, compared to others and this leads to disappointment. At times we start doubting ourselves. We are often not prepared in understanding ourselves. What is our style of working, what are our motivators, what traits do we demonstrate and what triggers us? The career compass is a set of key questions around the 5 factors that help us build a customised path towards achieving our career goals aligned to our life goals
1.Motives- fundamental to our career compass:
What needs do I want to fulfil?
What is my purpose?
What are my values that will guide me?
2.Reflection – This will help us update the right path
What am I good at?
What do I love doing?
What do I want to continue doing?
What don’t I want to do any more?
What new do I want to learn?
3. Work exploration – The compass will help you make choices
What work will pay me
What work fits my life stage
What kind of work energises me
4. Career guide – The destination that you wish to go towards
What do I see myself seeing doing in the future?
Who do I see myself as?
What does this career mean to me?
how will this career impact my life?
5. People – The people who will impact this compass
Who are the people I can learn from?
Who are my role models?
Who can support me?
Who will get impacted with my choices?
Who will not support me?
These are just some of the questions. Preparing the compass and using it is not a one time activity, but will help you throughout your career journey. Just as the Google map needs to get updated basis traffic conditions basis your mode of travel, your career compass will also need to get updated basis your life stage, your self awareness, your needs, and your experiences. So take time, talk to your coach. There are no right or wrong answers, they are your answers leading towards your goals while energising you, making you. love what you do and being aligned to your purpose and values.