Return to Who You Are
Posted on August 02, 2022 by Julie Van Elswyk, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
If I could boil my coaching down to one goal, it is to guide my clients to return to who they authentically are. What does this mean? I'll tell you...
When you came into this world, you came in with a perfectly aligned soul. You knew how lovable you were. You knew your power and that you are worthy. You were wired to delight in your successes and the success of others. You laughed, you cried, you felt the whole spectrum of emotions without shame and had the natural ability to release and elevate back to joy. You came into this world perfect for your journey, with an agenda to grow, to overcome, to experience.
Then the world influenced you. You were hurt. The wounded adults in your life told you what you were or were not, and you took it in. Here began the split from your true nature.
I am occasionally asked how I can meet with people who have been through horrifying experiences and not take it on. The answer is, I see all my clients for who they ARE. Not who the world influenced them to be, not for the beliefs they have adopted along the way, but for who they were born to be and still are at their core. And that true nature does not live by anyone else’s rules. Their core, their soul, is radiant and free, consistently striving to be heard.
Why does it feel so bad to hate, to be jealous or to hold resentment? Why does it feel awful to judge yourself? Because these things do not, and will never, line up with your true nature. Your soul, the part of you that is attached to higher wisdom and knowing, will never agree with anything but the truth of your value. It is this split within that causes discomfort.
I use the image with my clients, that every time we think negative or judgmental thoughts it vibrationally pours a gallon of sand on our feet. Too often, we trudge around thinking these thoughts and dumping more and more buckets of sand until, by the end of the day, we are completely immobilized. Up to our necks, stuck and discouraged. This was never meant to be, because it isn’t the truth of YOU.
My mission is to help guide my clients to the freedom available by shedding beliefs that conflict with their inner knowing. Who are you, really? If you came into this world and were loved the way you knew you deserved, guided wisely and empowered to grow, who would you be today? How would it feel? If the answer is AMAZING, it’s because it lines up with your soul.
So, that presents the question, who decides how you live your life? How are you living today? Are you living falsely as the limited person influenced by wounded humans, or do you live aligned with your soul and original blueprint? Are you functioning in your power or are you giving it away? You have a choice, and it’s yours alone.
If this resonates with you, then it’s time to take back your life. It’s time to shed the weighty false beliefs that you inherited and LIVE. Every time you feel that inner struggle, there is an opportunity to line up with the truth. Have compassion for the child who was handed a false belief, have compassion for the wounded who inflicted them upon you, and tell yourself who you are.
When you practice compassion for self and others followed by installing the truth of who you are, over and over, you start to live in your power. This is your life – reclaim the power you came into this world to hold. Embrace the things that make you light up and come back to center. Return your original blueprint where you know you are lovable. You know you are worth it. You want good things for yourself and others. You know there is enough.
I see clients claim back their lives over and over again, cutting the chains of the past and finding peace within. And it is then, in this place of freedom and vitality, that they align with their souls. It is then, that they return to who they are. It is then, that they live life abundantly.
What an honor to be a part of the journey back to self.