Are You Trying to Fit In Versus Being True to Who You Are?
Posted on July 28, 2022 by Sarah Poynter, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
True belonging means you are true to who you are versus trying to fit in to be like everyone else. Be a special edition.
A recent blog post from Seth Godin stated the following:
“Everyone else is…
Well, not everyone. Just most people.
When you do something that everyone else is doing, you’re likely to get what everyone else is getting.
But in almost every population, “everyone” leaves out the people who go first, who change things, who are weird and who challenge the status quo. That’s an option, even when it doesn’t seem that way.
Mass culture gets us more mass culture. It’s not the only choice.”
Which type of person are you – an everyone or do you beat to your own drum? I find that when I act like an everyone, I feel less fulfilled, I don’t feel I truly belong, and I am probably even a little more awkward. But, when I am true to who I am, I feel free, confident, excited and alive. It is scary to be different but you will find your tribe and they will support you because you are being you. The everyone’s will not. Your success will be higher when you are true to yourself, do what you are really passionate about and when your are honest in your beliefs. Going with the flow, and doing what is expected may give you financial success and accolades, but are you really happy or just being an everyone and pretending to be? Think about it.
I struggled a long time with this. My husband has always seen who I truly am, and has spent the last 15 years encouraging me to be that person despite my resistance. It took a family crises for me to realize that spending the bulk of my life trying to fit in and be an everyone did not serve me. Instead it made me feel insecure, lack confidence and awkward around certain people. Certain people that I really had no interest in wanting to fit in with.
So if you are struggling with lack of confidence and insecurity about who you are, I understand. I have done this work myself. The work is worth it. The other side is more freedom, confidence and a lot of unnecessary weight that suddenly disappears! Join me on your path to letting your special edition out into the world!