Own Your Own Mind
Posted on July 19, 2022 by Dutch Langley, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Find out why in the snap of a finger, you might see or hear something and it triggers an emotion immediately.
Own Your Own Mind
Do you know someone whose personality is overall very negative and pessimistic about everything in their life? You might notice how green the grass is and comment on it to them and they will proceed to tell you how negative that green grass is. It needs cut more, you might get grass stains on your shoes or green grass attracts dogs to come pee on it. Often that negative individual blames someone or something outside of themselves for their circumstances and how they feel. Raise your hand mentally if you know of that type of person.
One of the presuppostions I operate on, is that you own your own mind and therefore your own outcomes. It is not a coincidence that the life you are living right now is a duplication of what is going on in your head.
Let me show you how this works.
Before any behavior, response, action, or reaction there is a thought. You receive info through your 5 senses. You see, hear, smell, taste, or feel something and immediately that gets processed through your filter system which contains values/beliefs, attitudes, decisions you have made in the past, personality traits, memories, and your internal language and within seconds you have a thought about what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted, or felt. And of course, everything also gets deleted, distorted, and generalized through this filter system. That thought (your internal representation) then mixes with your physiology, creates an emotional state which then creates a subsequent behavior.
Noone can “make” you mad. Noone can “make” you depressed. Noone can “make” you anxious. There is a tendency to blame what is happening to you on someone else or something else outside of yourself for your behavior or thoughts. It’s easy to abdicate responsibility to anything else and everyone else. But nothing will change in your life if you do that.
“But I went through some horrible stuff in my past and that is why I feel that way!!!!”
That would presuppose that anyone who went through that experience would feel the same way you do and/or that you have no control over the thing that is in your head that is wreaking havoc on your emotions. But as you are reading this, you know deep down inside that is not true.
The exciting journey to taking yourself to the next level, is to begin to understand that you are in control. You just need to know how to shift that internal language to create emotions and behaviors that serve you better.
You can be as powerful, as confident, as happy, as calm as you choose to be.
When you wake up in the morning, how do you want to feel? What would that mean to your life if you could consistently feel that? How would your life change? How magnificent would that be? Can you imagine if that memory did not impact you so much? Can you imagine what it would be like if that experience didn’t impact you like it does now? What would your career or relationships look like if you automatically felt confident, happy and vibrant…one-on-one or in front of a crowd?
Learning how to reprogram your thoughts for your highest good is an amazing, powerful experience.
Visit my website at www.dutchlangley.com and set up an exploratory call with me if you are curious about the process to take you from where you are now to where you want to be. Or just message me – whatever is easiest.
With Love….
Dutch Langley