How to Generate a Killer Routine that Works!
Posted on June 21, 2022 by Reggie Ramlochan, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Read on as you learn how the power of a routine can increase your, productivity, goal attainment and overall wellbeing.
Within this Blogpost lies the Secret Formula for Setting and Achieving Multiple Goals Daily.
If you are someone who struggles to get going on your goals, then this Blogpost is for you!
We all have been there, having the day run us, instead of us running our day. It feels like you are on the treadmill of life, and you look on, as another day has passed and you have not made a single tangible action towards your goals.
Whether it be to go to the gym, read, or learn a new skill you can’t seem to get that daily dose and because of that you feel sunk in disappointment.
If this feels like you, chances are you are not hitting your mark because you have your time set on autopilot, and this mode is not serving you well in the least.
So how can you move from looking on, to working on your goals daily?
Read on as I give you the blueprint you have been looking for to make a powerful start!
Firstly, let’s get into the fundamentals.
Why building a routine is important.
There are a number of reasons why building a routine is important, it gives your day structure, purpose, focus and even joy. More so, it helps you to build discipline by repeatedly doing the same tasks that once completed, elevates you in some way. A routine is also used to build competence, skill and most importantly control of your time (Time Management).
Can you imagine what a life without a routine would be like?
Well according to Jordan Peterson, a routine is you ally, in fact it serves a major purpose. That purpose is ground breaking but also simple, and that is a routine keeps you grounded, it keeps you focused, and most importantly it keeps you sane.
I have thought about that deeply, and it has held truth, because, by not having a routine you basically bounce around the house looking for things to do to “pass the time” and guess what most of those things are usually; yes! “vice based” rather than “skills based.” With that type of arrangement you lose the most valuable asset; time, and we know all to well time is a very precious commodity.
Time moves in one direction, memory in another. -William Gibson
So how do I build a powerful routine?
To build a routine on paper is easy, but to act it out and follow it is the difficult part. However it must be said that we are more concerned with the personal time here for the individual, but, you can also use this step by step process for a work routine as well, and you can merge the two if you so desire.
So what are the steps to building a routine?
I’ve outlined a very simple framework below. You can also feel free to add anything you like, if it adds value to your day and routine, the choice is yours.
Step 1 – Establish the aim.
Determine the aim or purpose of the routine you want to establish. This will be built around YOU, so ask yourself, what am I trying to achieve with this routine? Maybe it’s proper time management or mindfulness, stress reduction, or simply a healthier lifestyle. Regardless of what it is, ensure it is based on purpose and that it has meaning to you.
Step 2 – Identify the tasks.
List out all the things you want to get done and put a time factor next to it for example;
Gym – 1 hour
Meditate – 30 minutes etc.
I’ll put some daily components out of my personal routine below, but for now I’m just walking you through how I built my routine. The items do not need to be in any particular order for now just capture what needs to be done.
Step 3 – Understand your waking timespan.
In a realistic sense identify what time you wake up and what time you would be going to bed. Why? Because in between those two points is essentially your day.
So an example would be wake up 8:00am and go to bed at 8:00pm that now means my waking timespan consists of 12 hours.
Now this step could have been done first however as you would see in the next step if you want to include aspects into your routine you may have to shift your times.
That might make the process cumbersome and even messy.
Step 4 – Bringing it all together – Plotting out the day.
Now that we know what your start and end time for your day is, we can now begin to build your routine. So you can determine how you want your time slots to be separated such as:
Quarter Hour intervals : 8:00am, 8:15am, 8:30am
Half Hour Intervals : 8:00am, 8:30am, 9:00am
Hourly Intervals : 8:00 am, 9:00am, 10:00 am
I usually recommend you look at your smallest time consuming task, that can basically determine how you schedule your intervals on your calendar, so if you want to meditate for 30 Minutes and that is your smallest task then the Half hour interval may be best for you, but if you are comfortable with any other, the choice remains ultimately yours.
The next thing, is to take your task, the task duration and plug it into your day where you want to carry out this activity.
For example:
1) 8:00am to 8:30am – Meditate
2) 8:30am to 9:00am – Breakfast
3) 9:00am to 9:30am – Get dressed for work
4) 9:30am to 10:00am – Drive to work
5) 10:00am to 10:30am – Arrive at work review last week reports
One critical and very important point to note is to factor in your commute time and/or preparation time to get dressed etc. wherever this may be deemed applicable.
Are you beginning to understand the way it all comes together?
I used the example above to show you how you can add your personal tasks and incorporate your work tasks as well in one daily schedule.
However if you wish to make two (work and personal) then by all means you are entitled to do that. As a matter of fact, you can make as many as you like, however, I personally find one composite schedule or calendar easier to manage.
To further support you, the following link below is a planner than can be easily downloaded and populated if you so desire.
A good routine is a golden opportunity to help you grow effortlessly.
I admit in the beginning it will be difficult, but, if you need expert advice or coaching around it, I am just an appointment away.
Are you going to start building your routine now?
If this Blogpost was helpful to you and you want to dive into creating, recreating or polishing your routine, then feel free to book a FREE consultation with me.
Whether it is finding your passion, starting a business or treating with other areas of your life, I am here to serve.
In closing I’d like to let you know that: You are enough and you are more powerful and creative than you give yourself credit for!
Take the leap and reach out to me I will change your life for the better!