Everything Can be Converted into a Gift & Opportunity
Posted on June 15, 2022 by Azmina Mulji, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Learn how to defeat your inner saboteurs and respond to life events with positive sage to convert everything into a gift &opportunity with ease & flow
The Positive Intelligence coaching program is one of a kind that guarantees transformation in the way we think and live. Numerous articles on the power of positive thinking have been written. Positive intelligence is about creating a mind-habit to respond from a positive mindset rather than react from a negative one.
Scientific research has shown that responding from a positive mindset results in peak performance, enhanced wellness and happiness. So how can one move from reacting to responding with positivity.
The Positive Intelligence Coaching Program brings together technology, psychology and coaching resulting in life-long change in building the self for success and happiness. The program is based on deep research into the four main arms of psychology namely neuroscience, cognitive behaviour psychology, positive psychology and performance science and factor analysis of the data resulting in a radically simplified method of forming a positive mind-habit leading to higher performance levels, better wellbeing and stronger, healthier relationships.
The program is app based and can be accessed at any time anywhere by a tap of a button. Rich in content and practice that allows the user to experience the nexus between the rational and the visceral. You will learn about “saboteurs”, the little nasty voices in our head that make us think and feel negative emotions, how to intercept them and command our mind toward the more positive aspect of “sage”.
The basis of the sage perspective is “everything can be converted into a gift & opportunity”. Yes, EVERYTHING. With this program, you will be equipped with the tools to do exactly that whenever you are faced with an issue in life. Tools that you can use today, tomorrow and forever. Tools that you could teach others to use as well in your work and home life; empathy, explore, innovate, navigate and activate which will enhance your ability to see events from a clearer perspective and respond with empathy, curiosity, creativity and laser-focused action. And achieve your desires with ease and flow, happy and successful.
The program comes with
• 2 Self-Assessments: PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient) Assessment and PQ Saboteur Assessment
• The PQ App on your smartphone that will provide technology guided daily practice
• Weekly training videos
• Weekly coaching sessions
• 8 Chapters of the Positive Intelligence book (audio)
• Continued access to the app and videos for 1-year
The program is facilitated by Azmina Mulji, an internationally certified executive coach licensed by the International Coaching Federation & Positive Intelligence Inc. (USA).
Azmina Mulji (azminamulji@gmail.com)