Are you attracting and keeping IDEAL CLIENTS?
Posted on June 07, 2022 by HB Pasley, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
It is time to stop catching every fish in the sea. It is time to get focused and catch only the fish we really want to keep! Do you know how?
The Problem
There is a great chance that you don’t have many questions about finding fish. And by fish, I mean clients, or donors, or investors. (These are the people you hope to win and work with for a long time.)
The questions for you is: why are we spending so much time onboarding people who are not ideal for us to work with?
A Solution
It is time to solve this problem by getting a true understanding of who we were built for. That’s right. You and your firm were built to be magic for one, small, ideal client segment in a way that really thrills both you and the client!
Let me introduce you to a very simple idea. Let’s create an Ideal Client profile and put only that profile into the BULLSEYE of your client TARGET.
Why is this word picture so important?
Let me ask you a clarifying question to help you answer:
Does anyone hit the bullseye by aiming at the target?
It might be time to pull your team together and so some brainstorming. Why not right now? Here are three great questions to start pulling together the key data you need to build your ideal client profile. Here are brainstorming questions to ask:
#1. Looking at our 10 best clients, what are key demographic descriptives for them?
#2. As we continue to think on our best clients, what are the psychographic traits that are most obvious?
#3. What key questions and feelings have they been bringing to the table?
After you complete this short brainstorming session put the data into groups, prioritize them, and discuss the ones you think are the most fun and fitting for your firm as a whole.
Sharing your insights with a business coach would help you distill the outcomes.
If I can help you dig deeper into understanding how to develop your ideal client profiles, please let me know. Why? Because there is no reason to continue to waste valuable time engaging and onboarding clients who are not bringing you joy in your practice. In order to grow where you want to go, you must focus all your effort on the BULLSEYE client, and the rest of the rings on the TARGET will follow.
Here’s to the best version of you,