How to Show Power & Confidence
Posted on May 17, 2022 by Lois Lavrisa , One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Try these body language tips to help you say “I am here. Not only am I here, I am glad to be here. I deserve to be here.”
There are people who walk into a room and boom- the atmosphere in the room seems to shift.
That person might not be necessarily physically commanding your attention (not tall or big) nor some VIP.
But something changed when they entered the room.
You sensed their presence.
You might have sensed their state of being.
There was something commanding about how they held their personal space.
Perhaps you “felt” their personality.
They seemed to have an ability to metaphorically fill a room.
How did they do that?
One of the ways is body language = the gestures, movements, and mannerisms by which a person communicates with others.
To show confidence, try changing your body language. Pull your shoulders back, hold your head high. Make eye contact. Smile. Have pep (energy) your step. This says, “I am here. Not only am I here, I am glad to be here. I deserve to be here.”
Want to command power? Research has shown that placing your body in an expansive “power pose” (such as the “Wonder Woman” pose with hands on hips and legs apart) or the seated “CEO” pose with legs on the desk and hands behind the head.
Why not try out a power pose? Or change your body language to show confidence. See what happens.
If you are a new female coach, entrepreneur or creative who wants confidence to start their own business, hop on a free call with me.
Here’s to wonderful one of a kind you-