The Art of Being in the Present
Posted on March 28, 2022 by Diana Todorut, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Learning to be the present is a great way to enhance your life quality and develop the ability to see meaning and purpose in everything you do.
When you talk about your body, you are aware of your bodily presence in a particular place. And your body can be in a moment, just in one place anyway. But while your body is definitely here, where are the mind and the thoughts? Are they here with you, or in the past or future, dreaming or scaring about?
Being present physically or mentally are two different things, right?
You are always aware when you are physically present, but this does not equal mental presence.
So, what does it mean to be mentally present?
It means to be with your mind and thoughts in here and now. Focusing exclusively on what you are doing and becoming one with your action and the product of your action.
Everything else disappears.
You are in the zone, in the flow-state.
This is mono-tasking.
When you eat, you just eat and become one with the process of eating and your food. When you write, you just write, fully dived into this activity. No talking, no answering the phone, no multitasking. You become one with the process of writing and with what you write.
What do you get when you are present?
Being present helps your mind calm down, bring order in your thoughts, and laser-focus on your activity, getting away from past or future worries, fears, useless thoughts.
You become more effective, productive with results of a higher quality. The stress level will sink down. You are more relaxed, enjoying the things you do.
More, the perception of time changes.
Wellbeing hormones are released, you feel excited, thrilled, happy with what you are doing, totally satisfied.
Becoming one with your action by being present is the key to success and happiness.
Being present is the art of being in here and now.
However, being in here and now doesn’t mean you ignore the past and the future.
Past is the place of our learnings, not the place of mourning and regrets. It is the place from which we acquire understanding and wisdom.
Future is where we throw our anchor, set the goals, have visions, dreams, and get ideas, but then, we come back in here and now and work toward creating those things.
And by this, past and future are melting down in the present moment.
To be present is also an essential competency in coaching. It is the ability to be there for your client, perceiving them as a whole, listening to what they say and especially what they don’t say.
Human beings are energy bundles that produce ripples in the time-space continuum. A skilful coach will catch those ripples and their meaning.
It is the moment when the coach becomes one with the coaching process and with their client.
So, how do you learn to be present?
Take time and observe the things and situations around you in detail; a little bug, a flower, a playing child, a piece of music. When in the presence of other people, connect at a deeper level. Listen, look and understand the person in front of you. Surround them with love and joy. Intensely focus on what you are doing. No matter what this is, cooking, working, writing, running. Regardless of what you are doing, leave aside any label and judgement about what you are doing. No matter what activity you perform, you can become one with it. Wondering is not only for children. There is no possibility to know everything under the sun. There will always be something you can wonder about. Meditation, contemplation, reflection help you to integrate your knowledge and really and consciously understand the meaning of all things.There is a word for being in the present; mindfulness.
How present are you in your life?
How does it feel?
What would you like to achieve through a mindful life?
If you want to find out how to be more present in your life, write to me!