Looking for a Change in Career – Get a Career Coach
Posted on March 22, 2022 by Azmina Mulji, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Been in one career for too long? Looking for career change resonating with your passion? Get a Career Change Blueprint.
Been in one career for too long? Lost the passion and drive at work? Doing the same work in the same position with the same employer for what seems like eons? Are you desiring a career change for upward progression and financial boost but don’t know where to start and how to proceed? This article is intended to help you understand how to map a career change path and the need to engage with an expert to move towards the goal with ease and flow.
Hi. I’m Azmina, a career and life coach. I help people advance in their professional space to grow and thrive in leadership and senior leadership positions. Having been in the employment sector for over 20 years, I have found that numerous employees working in one role/position with one employer brings about stagnation, boredom and lack of zest at work, leaving them feeling very unfulfilled and lacking the drive to excel. During my own career journey, I have experienced career stagnation twice, forcing me to move away from being a legal head in a financial institution to heading HR in a similar institution and later moving out totally from employment into self-employment as a coach. It was quite daunting connecting the dots between my passions and profession and the path was shrouded with a lot of fear and anxiety as I moved out of my comfort zone into unknown territories, unfortunately with very little help or support. I had to figure things out for myself and deal with negative emotions – worry, melancholy, stress, anger. But with success at the end of it all.
Having successfully chartered the waters towards career change and progression, I use my experience and expertise to help clients seeking career change and progression achieve the same, but a lot faster, happier and with ease and flow. As a Career Coach, I partner with my clients to create a career blueprint that helps them realize their true potential, identify new career opportunities and boost their career progression in the shortest time.
To help clients create their career change blueprint, I help them
1. Analyse their career journey thus far and discover their deep passion, key strengths and environments in which they thrive.
2. Review/rework their Resume to reflect their discovery as above. This is ever so crucial. A Resume needs to be a fluid document which captures professional advancements as they happen. I have found that many clients use the same Resume for years, which fails to capture important developments in professional skills and strengths. In addition, many resumes that I have reviewed contain repetitive and unnecessary jargon. As a HR expert having recruited employees at the highest levels for over 20 years, a compact Resume with precise and crisp information on qualifications, professional skills, strengthens and abilities draws interest. The manner in which this information is captured and displayed also plays a very important role. Use of keywords in a Resume is paramount.
3. Create a personal brand statement. A short and sweet statement that describes who they are and what they bring to the table. It answers the questions, “what makes you great?” and “what makes you compelling?”. This should not be confused with a mission statement (which tends to be loftier and less job specific). This is especially helpful when creating an application letter and presenting at an interview. Developing this further, one needs to walk the talk, display their personal brand in their dressing, in their persona and in their talking.
4. Update their professional social media platforms such as LinkedIn. Revamping the information contained in such platforms opens up new possibilities for networking with experts/leaders in your industry of work.
5. Make targeted job applications per week. This requires research into industries/institutions that could be looking for their talent and which resonate well with them and sending out job applications irrespective of whether or not they have advertised vacancies. Chances are with a brilliant personal statement contained in the application letter and a well-crafted Resume will result in positive reactions. Employers are always looking for super talent.
6. Conduct a mock interview. Playing out an interview helps them improve on their presentation skills for future interviews as well as boosts confidence, assisting them to display the right body language, the right manner of speaking and giving precise answers to questions.
Clients who have engaged with my process have had surprising results. Start off your career trajectory with a Career Coach and see your career progress fast, with ease and flow.
Authored by Azmina Mulji a Certified Professional Career Coach with the International Coaching Federation with over 20 years Executive experience in the corporate space.