Manage Change Using Positive Intelligence Coaching
Posted on March 21, 2022 by Azmina Mulji, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Let go of all the worry, anxiety, hopelessness, fear and anger in an ever-changing life. Allow change with ease and flow by responding positively.
Change is inevitable. Life is not stagnant, it is ever changing. Whether you are looking for change or are facing change, mental resilience and self-belief are crucial. This article is all about using Positive Intelligence to manage change.
Positive Intelligence can be defined as “the ability to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset’. In his book “Positive Intelligence” Shirzad Chamine deeply researched into neuroscience, cognitive behavioural psychology, positive psychology and performance science involving hundreds of CEOs and their executive teams, Stanford students, World–class athletes and 500,000 participants from 50 countries and discovered that at the root of mental fitness, there are 3 core mental muscles that need to be developed leading to peak performance, peace of mind/wellness and healthy relationships.
The first of the core mental muscles is “the saboteur interceptor”. Saboteurs are those negative emotions that operate from the left side of the brain. Most of us think from this part of the brain out of habit, from early life or childhood. Identifying such negative emotions when they strike and stopping the thought right there and then is what the saboteur interceptor is all about.
The second core mental muscle is moving to a neutral stance, i.e. from the negative mind into the body. This is achieved by doing “PQ reps” which are simple short exercises shifting focus to senses.
And the last core mental muscle is developing the “sage perspective”; “every problem/circumstance can be converted into a gift and opportunity”. Sage powers like empathy, curiosity, creativity and calm, clear-headed action allow one to move into sage and turn every problem into a gift and opportunity.
This simple operating Positive Intelligence system can easily be applied to managing change. Learning to deal with negative emotions of fear, anxiety, worry and anger associated with change, moving into neutral stance and applying the sage perspective through the sage powers builds your mental resilience and self-belief, opening up a wonderful way through ease and flow, allowing change to take its course more confidently and positively.