Posted on March 12, 2022 by Laura Pichardo, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Happiness is a choice. Don't complicate it with so many conditions.
Happiness is a choice – I’ve always had mixed feeling about this statement. If we could just decide to be happy, wouldn’t everyone just be happy? But in my journey of self-discovery and becoming a Life Coach, I’ve come to learn that we choose how we want to live our lives. We cannot control the circumstances that life throws at us but we can control how we deal with them. As a person that has struggled with depression and anxiety, understanding this concept has been truly transformative!
I’m currently reading The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer, this book is amazing for so many reason (I definitely recommend you pick up a copy) but this book is what inspired my Happiness Challenge. In the chapter “The Path of Unconditional Happiness” he discusses what it means to live a life of unconditional happiness. Ultimately, we only have one decision to make if we REALLY want to LIVE life: Do you want to be happy or do you NOT want to be happy? It really does comes down to this one question.
I know you’re probably thinking, “Well, I just got fired, how could I be happy” or “My wife just left me, there’s no way I could be happy after this”. Unfortunately life is not going to unfold the way we expect it to, therefore we cannot put conditions on our happiness: “I can only be happy for the rest of my life if: my partner never leaves me, I never get into an accident, my love ones never die…” so on and so on. When we do this we’re setting limits to our happiness, we’re letting the external world and our own believes limit our happiness. What if, starting today, you told yourself that no matter what, you chose to be happy…It’s unfortunate that you lost someone, but what a blessing it was to have them in your life and you’re so grateful for all of the life lessons they taught you. Yes you lost your job but now you have all the time in the world to pick up that hobby or finally life has cut you loose from a job you shouldn’t have been in to begin with.
Regardless of your situation, you can’t control what happens to you! And let’s be honest, we’re not going to live forever, do you want to spend the precious time you have on this earth miserable due to your limited believes or the external world?
“Unconditional happiness is a very high path and a very high technique because it solves everything.”
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer
If you choose to be happy, you limit/eliminate the stress from your life and clear your mind. Once your mind is clear, life becomes clear, solutions become clear. Because you’ve chosen to let go of what’s out of your control, you’ve freed your mind up. Think about the last time you got angry, how did the rest of your day go? Did you make the best decisions? Did more things start to go wrong? It’s very natural for one or all of these things to happen because anger turns into stress and when the mind is stressed it cannot handle new information and affects your memory. Choosing to be happy does the opposite.
I challenge you to try the Happiness Challenge with me. Do it for a day, a week or 40 days like me! If you find yourself struggling try the following:
- Acknowledge your anger; ask yourself why you cannot let it go
- Deep breathing exercises to get yourself into a relaxed state
- Meditate to strengthen your center of consciousness
- Journal to gain clarity
- Affirmations to remind you why you’re doing this
The key is to not give up. Just like learning a new skill, practicing to consistently stay happy takes time but before you know it you’ll find yourself unconditionally happy!