The best thing you can do for your career?
Posted on February 21, 2022 by Claudia Warias, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Do frequent career changes & get unstuck.
Here is the best thing that I could have done for my career and myself…
Do frequent career changes.
I worked in the automotive industry in Sales and Distribution in Germany.
After that, in Event Management in the hospitality industry in Dubai.
Then as a renewals rep in IT research industry in London.
After that people manager within the SaaS industry in Barcelona.
To Data & Analytics manager in the same company.
To know being a passionate coach & speaker and with that, my own CEO, located anywhere I want to be.
For some of you this might look like I don’t know what I want. Or I was never able to stay in one line.
And you know what? You are right. I never understood how I was supposed to know with 18 what I want to study and do with the rest of my life with my career.
That’s why being open, exploring what’s out there, trying out new industries, jobs, countries has been the biggest gift I could give to myself.
I developed exponentially, because I was out of my comfort zone all the time.
I learned how to work internationally, with different cultures, different minds, new perspectives.
It increased my self-awarness and made me stronger as a person.
It helped me to understand early what is important for me in my career and life.
It allowed me to grow to the person that I am right now.
So, to anyone considering a career change right now.
Just do it. Even though it might not seem easy, you do yourself a favour. The rewards in the long term will be worth it.
And to all hiring managers out there that discard potential candidates because of many changes in their career. You might be missing out on the strongest, most hard working and talented employee.
Just give them a chance, you will be surprised.