3 Ways to Stop Yourself from Eating When You’re Not Hungry
Posted on February 02, 2022 by Stel Coombe-Heath, One of Thousands of Health and Fitness Coaches on Noomii.
When the urge to eat arises, factors other than hunger may be at play. Identifying your true needs and responding to them can keep you from eating jus
How do I stop the urge to eat even when I’m not hungry?
If you ask, “How do I stop eating food just because it’s there?” these 3 tips could be useful.
1. If hunger is not a physical need, chances are there are other reasons you want to numb out or distract with food. Identifying where your genuine hunger lies can help you shift your focus from eating to addressing your underlying need.
2. Mindful body scan, gently scan your body from head to toe and notice the various sensations in your body. If you do find true hunger make sure to have a meal or snack. If it’s not real hunger, ask yourself “What does my body need”
3. Remind yourself, this is just an urge. Urges come and go and the more you listen to it and give in, the more you will find yourself with overeating regret.
Eating when you are not hungry might feel automatic and out of your control but there are ways to manage the habit. If you still need help to get control back with food, please contact me.