Who makes your decisions – YOU or your FEAR
Posted on January 05, 2022 by Richa Puri, One of Thousands of Money and Finance Coaches on Noomii.
FEAR hijacks your brain’s power to make reasonable decisions. Instead of making decisions under fear use it to find the real issue causing the fear.
One fine morning Monica suddenly gets a feeling that she doesn’t have enough savings/ investments. She checks her account balances and her monthly income, and starts wondering, ‘I am earning so well but still left with so little (& at times nothing) to put into my savings/ investments’.
Then sets in the fear of running out of money causing her to feel worried and anxious about her finances!
Effect of FEAR on Brain…
Under this feeling she makes following decisions
- She will save/ invest most of her income
- She will not waste any money on shopping
- She will say no to any friends/ family members asking her to go out
- She will stop going to all parties
What are the chances of Monica sticking to her decisions and increasing her savings/ investments?
Almost nil, because…
She is making decisions under the influence of fear/ anxiety
Fear and anxiety have blocked the decision-making centre of her brain
Decisions made in such state of brain are almost always illogical
So, what should she do instead?
She shouldn’t react to the fear/ anxiety with some extreme steps or decisions.
She should remind herself, that she can avoid the event she fears by first being aware of it and hence its good that she can now find out what she is afraid of.
Many of us are stuck in this vicious circle where we make certain decisions while under the influence of fear and then aren’t able to stick to any of those decisions.
If you too find yourself stuck in Monica like situations over and over again, but would like to get over it, drop me a DM. Let’s talk to see if we can work together towards helping you break the loop and find practical implementable steps. Book your 30 minutes free discovery with me.