New Year's Resolutions - Friend or Foe?
Posted on January 01, 2022 by Bridget Fitzpatrick, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Most New Year's resolutions fail. Here are some reasons they fail and why a Life Coach can be your smartest investment this year!
Did you know that according to Forbes, people fail to keep their resolutions approximately 80% of the time. Here are the top three reasons most resolutions fail.
1. It’s your consciousness that needs to change before your behavior can change.
2. You don’t have an accountability structure to help you sustain change.
3. You are actually scared of, and completely resistant to, achieving this big goal and you won’t let yourself.
The best step to take to achieve a big stretch goal is to understand very deeply why you want this goal and what motivates you to achieve sustained progress, and then address proactively your greatest fears about reaching this goal. When you work with a Life Coach, they will help you to figure out now what’s in the way of believing: 1) you are truly worthy of it, 2) that you actually deserve it, and 3) you will be able to handle other people’s reactions when you finally achieve what you long to.
Most people just accept failure when their resolutions don’t pan out. Don’t be one of those people! Hire a Coach and achieve the change you want!