Becoming You With a Smile
Posted on September 15, 2011 by Maria McInnis, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Discover the power of the mind-body connection, and the affect that physiology can have upon you.
In every year there is 525,000,600 minutes. That is the number of opportunities you have every year to become that which you most value, and each second can be a step towards a new life. What you are isn’t the clothes you wear, or the way you look. What you are isn’t anything like that, it’s something less definable and much more infinite. You are a being of limitless potential who can expand beyond anything, as long as you have the willingness to take steps to changing. This is a truth we see spanning across human history in song, story and even in our holy books. We have resources that can be tapped into: the law of attraction, the mind-body reaction and the factors that can and will change our world.
So, how do you begin to make that change into becoming you? By changing your lifestyle, by making good choices instead of convenient ones, and by using the right kind of language with yourself. The more you change the more you will realize how you have control over your own life. When you wake up in the morning, smile, even if you don’t feel like it right away. The simple act of smiling not only burns more calories then a frown, but it also creates a chemical reaction in your body that will help you for the rest of the day. When you smile, exercise, laugh or even relax, you are releasing endorphins into your body. These hormones are responsible for your metabolism, your immune system and so much more. Your body craves it, and it’s so easy to allow it such food. Healthier, all because you smiled. In Japan they have exercises that include simply smiling, sometimes with a pencil between their lips to keep them focused on it. They had two reasons for this odd training exercise: One was the fact that it gave a boost to immune systems, but the other was because of how much a smile can communicate to someone.
Only 5%-7% of the language we use in conversation is verbal, and the rest is in our tones and body language. A smile not only gives us a more positive tone automatically, but it also relays the visual message of trust, understanding and human connection. Once upon a time in Japan people were taught not to show emotions. They were taught not to smile, and not to show facial markers of emotions whether it was anger or happiness. Now they realize the stress this can have on the body, and the benefits of smiling. Even better, they discovered what millions of people already knew: smiles, like laughter, are contagious. When people smile, it brings back memories of happy times: this is simple body memory, and with conditioning one can learn to smile to become happy and to enjoy the benefits of a resource state.
Imagine being able to wake up in the morning and, by simply smiling, being able to become full of energy, and joy and happiness, because when you learn to smile more happiness will come to you. And I mean a real smile, teeth bared, lips upturned and your cheeks bunched up, not some little wan small thing like people give when they’re sad and trying to pretend not to be! If you’re having problems, take that pencil and stick it in your lips and smile around it. Go try it in the mirror right now if you like. If you look silly, that’s fine, have a good laugh. Life is about laughter and joy, so have some fun, even if it’s seems silly. Get those endorphins going. After a while, you won’t need a pencil to get a real smile, you’ll do it yourself. Start each day like it’s the only one you have and have ever had. Smile, get smiles back, and you will realize how important a change this really is.
You’ll get noticed more, you’ll feel better, you’ll hear and notice things that you didn’t notice before, because your mind and body connection are in such perfect harmony that when you feel better, you will notice more and more things that will lead to happiness. The more you smile, the better you will feel. The more you become aware of the things that make changes, the more positive changes you can make. You can train your body and your mind to fulfill your desires, and every second is an opportunity to be used.
Quantum Performance Management – Maria McInnis