My anxiety is getting the better of me! Help!
Posted on October 26, 2021 by Monica Mascarenhas, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Are you ready to see through the anxiety to be in a calmer, happier and healthier state?
Send me a message, I’d love to try and help you out.
No where to run! No where to hide! Help! My anxiety is getting the better of me!
Why am I feeling this way? There must be something wrong with me!
Shouldn’t I feel good and happy all the time?
For the longest time, I lived with that false belief. If I didn’t, I would get really anxious that I was feeling, well, not 100% fantastic all of the time!
And then I got really anxious that I was feeling anxious, which made me even more anxious!
The good news is that we don’t need an ‘depression’ label or ‘antidepressants’ or therapy. The cause and the solution to it – is totally in our control.
Until I realized that emotions of fear, anxiousness, sadness, frustration, and dread were perfectly normal and just signals. Signals to get me to stop, pay attention and decode the messages that my subconscious mind was trying to send me.
I would fight, I would flee and I would freeze. When I got my head out of the sand, there they were, waiting patiently till I listened to them!
The chain reaction began with my thoughts creating emotions.
Those emotions/ feelings caused me to take certain actions.
Those actions created results and
Those results created my reality.
Pushing away those thoughts and resisting them only resulted in an increased sense of anxiety and a life filled with dread. The anxiety, mainly caused by living in the future and my mind’s absolutely fantastic ability to conjure all sorts of fearful images and movies about how it horrific it could be, that gave the scariest Hollywood blockbusters a run for their money!
Allowing feelings of anxiety and working through it (surprise, surprise! you are not the only one in this world who feels anxious!), I discovered thought patterns causing it.
I learnt that just reframing those thought patterns reversed this state, changing my reality!
I would often ‘freak out’ that my kids weren’t studying furiously! Till I realized I was anxious about their future. My less than spectacular grades didn’t result in total failure and I realized that their grades aren’t an indicator of how they will succeed in life either.
Our world is a happier, calmer place because I worked through that anxiety.
Another example was one of my clients who was constantly ‘stressed out’, checking her phone for work updates beginning at 6.00 a.m. and working until 9 p.m. Almost never going offline or on vacation! The source of her anxiety? She realized, was linked to made-up fears about dropping the ball on inconsequential issues. She began delegating and worked her way through her anxiety.
And her world is calmer, healthier and more relaxed because of it!
The interesting thing about anxiety is that the feeling is very, VERY real, making the reason behind it seem real.
#help #anxiety #panicattack #depression #stuck #fear #stress #unstuck #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #work #mindfulness