How to Make Your Time off Effective.
Posted on October 19, 2021 by Rukeme Jennifer, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
An effective mental health day can help you; relax, rest, reset your perspective, take a step back to revaluate, and destress.
1. Make a list. Make a list of 5 items that you would like to do and prioritise the first 3. This help to stop you from getting overwhelmed with the amount of things you should be doing. It also helps to refocus and centre you as the activities you will be engaging in are those that bring you peace and joy.
2. Complete the tasks you need to finish a day before. In order for the day off to be effective, it is imperative that you complete any lingering tasks prior. For true relaxation to occur these task must be taken care of beforehand. The reason being, that the mind will frequently remind you that you have things that need to be accomplished. Thus, although you want to relax you will be unable to.
3. Be selfish not selfless. If you find it hard to say no to people, or simply cannot get out of work-mode, do yourself a favour and turn off your phone and make yourself unreachable for a day. As hard as this seems it is essential. You need to switch off the outside world to be able to focus on the inside world. For once in your life prioritise you, even if you don’t like that thought. Do it.