Career Redesign
Posted on October 15, 2021 by Jacquie Ottema, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
A career redesign - is it for you?
Have you been thinking about making a career move for the past couple of years but you don’t know what you want to do or how to get where you envision going? Do you know it’s time to change jobs or even careers but you may be afraid you will have to start all over, take a pay cut or lose all the credibility you have created in your current role at work?
I recall the day I decided to make a change. It was daunting and exhilarating all at the same time. Things become very interesting once you make the intention to change. Part of me was thinking I should just be happy with where I am at. Part of me wanted something more and knew I was capable of something bigger. I felt like I wasn’t living up to my true potential.
If you can relate to this, I want you to know it is possible to land a new job or change careers, or industries and without taking a pay cut or demotion. It is about finding the right fit for YOU. There are endless possibilities and opportunities out there to be discovered.
Statistics are showing us people are changing jobs every 2-5 years and changing careers 3-5 times in their lifetime, possibly because they really never clarified who they are, what makes them unique or considered what they want out of their work other than a pay cheque. I know, because that was the case for me until I got crystal clear about what I truly wanted and what was a perfect fit for me. Now I empower my clients to gain clarity, focus, confidence, taking appropriate action and get the results they want out of their work whether they want to stay where they are, make a move to another role or company or change careers.
Whether you’re going after a similar job to the one you have now, or you’re completely changing careers, it is your responsibility to share your experience, skills, and passions in such a way that it sets you up as the perfect fit for what you truly desire.
Do you know how to effectively position yourself in the marketplace? Do you know your value proposition? Have you identified a clear path to get you where you want to go? It’s about learning to tell your story in a way that highlights your strengths and shows off your true aligned self.
Working with me will give you access to my exclusive signature Career Redesign Program which includes my 5 Point Perspectives “Pavis” approach and 5 Step Plan to Success. Discover ways to overcome the fears and hesitations you have about making your next move, master key job search skills and how to effectively market yourself online, with your resume and cover letter and during the interview process.
I also offer Power Coaching session packages to up-level your leadership skills and take your team to a whole new level of success.
Want to learn more? If you are a stressed out mid-career professional set up a 30 minute, no obligation, complimentary clarity call with me personally. Let’s find out if I can help.
Message me through Noomi or LinkedIn.
Sail through your career, life and lead in a way you love!
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