How to Live Intentionally
Posted on September 24, 2021 by Shealyn Ivany, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Living a meaningful life starts from living with intention. In this article, you'll learn some key practices to help you live more intentionally.
One of the most transformative concepts I’ve come across in my own self-development is intentional living. Ever since I first started applying it to my life, I’ve seen significant benefits to my mental health, wellbeing, and personal growth.
I’m guilty of getting stuck on autopilot, doing things without being conscious of my actions, and becoming disconnected from the present moment. These habits pull me away from living intentionally. I try my best to bring intention into all aspects of my life, from small actions to big decisions. Living with intention brings purpose back into my life in small and significant ways.
I believe everyone can benefit from trying to live intentionally. It’s a mindset that can add so much to your wellbeing, your relationship with yourself, and your quality of life. Read on to find out how you can start to live intentionally, too.
So what does living intentionally mean? The word “intentional” means to do something on purpose, deliberately; something that was planned or intended. To me, living intentionally means living your life on purpose. It’s about being an active participant in your life and creating a life that is meaningful and fulfilling to you.
Intentional living does not mean things will always go smoothly and you won’t experience hardship or struggle or difficulties. It doesn’t mean you’ll always succeed and never fail or make mistakes. Living intentionally is not about living perfectly. It’s more about creating a sense of purpose, awareness, and engagement with your life and everything that happens in it.
Ready to start living intentionally? Here’s how to do it.
• Define your values and your needs.
Decide what is most important to you. What matters the most to you and what do you absolutely need in your life? These values and needs can be emotional, material, familial, professional, spiritual, and just about anything else that is meaningful to you.
Once you know what these values and needs are, stay true to them. If they’re not already present in your life, work to manifest them. Defining your values and needs will give you purpose and direction in how you want to live your life.
• Align with your core beliefs.
These beliefs can be spiritual, religious, or just your thoughts on life in general. At some point, you’ll probably encounter forces that will try to pull you away from these beliefs or persuade you to think differently from the way you do. Your beliefs create meaning in your life, so stick to them.
It’s okay to change your mind as you grow, but make sure this change comes from a personal place and was not brought about by pressure from outside forces.
• Know your limits and respect them.
You’re human, so there’s only so much you can take, and there’s no shame in admitting you have limits. You don’t have to be everything for everyone all the time.
Respecting your emotional, mental, and physical limits doesn’t mean you’re holding yourself back. It allows you to be more intentional with what activities you choose to fill your time with and more aware of how these activities affect you.
• Put thought into your actions and decisions.
No matter how big or small they are, it’s important to be aware of your actions and decisions. Be conscious of why you’re doing this action or making that decision, and think about how they may affect you in the moment and in the future.
This doesn’t mean you have to always consider all the implications of everything you do; it simply means becoming more conscious and aware of how you’re choosing to fill your time, and if these choices are meaningful and fulfilling to you.
• Live in the moment.
Appreciate what’s in front of you right now. Stay present as you go through your daily tasks and ground yourself in the moment.
If you notice your mind drifting towards worries about the past or stress for the future, use mindfulness and pull yourself back to the present moment. This will bring so much more intention into everything you do.
• Set goals for the future.
Small goals, big goals, short-term goals and long-term goals. Set them all! Goalsetting is a great way to keep yourself motivated and inspired, and working towards these goals will add so much purpose to your life.
It doesn’t matter if you achieve these goals or not. The end result is not necessarily the most important part; it’s the process you go through to get there that will bring you intention and purpose.
• Live life on your terms.
Once you know what your values, beliefs, and limits are and you’re able to put thought into your actions and decisions, live in the moment, and set goals, stay true to all of that.
Do what works for you and not what you think other people expect of you. When you live on your own terms, you’ll be more able to align with your intentions and purpose every day.
Intentional living has transformed the way I approach my life, and I know it can do the same for you, too. Living intentionally can definitely bring you closer to your purpose in life, but more importantly, it’ll help you live with purpose. Take all of these suggestions into consideration and you’ll be well on your way to living your most meaningful, purposeful, and intentional life.
If you loved this article, check out these episodes of my podcast, Awaken & Empower, at and wherever you listen to podcasts!
Episode 16: How to Treat Others and Yourself with True Empathy
Episode 21: The Power of Nourishing Rest and Play
Episode 28: How to Practice Self-Compassion and Give Yourself Grace