Activate your financial growth: 5 steps to get your financial life unstuck
Posted on September 22, 2021 by Gospel Eadweardfilia, One of Thousands of Money and Finance Coaches on Noomii.
Many of us grew up with messages like this: you have to go to university? No one cares that you don’t want to go further into the educational system.
Did you grow up hearing your parents and everyone around you saying, you have to go to university? You must study hard at school and get As, that’s how you can be successful. Many of us grew up with messages like this. No one cares that you don’t want to go further into the educational system. This was what one of my clients- Ms. TAM- heard growing up.
Growing up in a religious environment, Ms. TAM did the right thing according to society’s standards. She went to university after doing well at secondary school. She worked hard at university overcoming all the odds and obtaining a first-class degree.
The job she got was not bad either. Ms. TAM managed to land a job in the #1 industry in the world in her field.
“I felt alive and that I have achieved the dream,” she told me. I was making good money, living in a penthouse, and going to expensive restaurants. I traveled around and hosted parties. I remember a friend asking me, how did you become so successful? I was surprised by what she said, Gospel because, that night, I didn’t sleep well. I had received a statement from the student loan company telling me how much I have to pay back. It was then my depression started. The stress was so much I fell ill and ended up here, in hospital.”
Here’s the thing, like Ms. TAM, you are living a M.A.D cycle. You make good Money, you Allocate the money. You have a budget at least in your head and yet you are Depressed and desperate. You are a high-income earner yet broke. You are HENRY- A high earner not rich yet. You are confused, overwhelmed, and tired of working hard, making all this money and nothing to show for it. You have nothing saved up for retirement or emergencies. You feel embarrassed and are filled with regret.
I understand. It is not completely your fault you are in the situation you find yourself in. There was a lot of information you did not know.
Here are 5 steps to get your financial life unstuck. You need to put these steps in place in your life now to help you get out of the situation you find yourself in:
1) Write down 3 areas of your financial life you feel you want to improve on.
2) Review your bank statements
3) Create a system for your financial documents.
4) Set a YES plan…a plan to say YES to yourself more
5) Know your money rules.
You may feel you know all this and you’ll be right. The problem is, if you don’t activate the steps accurately, you’ll find yourself in the same position. You will wake up five or ten years from now, still overwhelmed and confused about your financial life. I don’t want that for you.
Here’s what I want for you. I want you to be able to know without a doubt where all your money is going and what it is doing for you. I want you to be able to wake up each morning feeling your absolute best self. You are in a career you love and having experiences that give you joy and peace.
I want you to imagine waking up Monday morning. It is a beautiful day, you are looking out of your window at the most beautiful view. The clouds are clear- you are in your favorite city in the world and you paid in FULL-no debt. Imagine experiencing a day stress-free.
You can achieve all of that. You need to activate the steps. It is no good knowing it, reading about it, and attending more events about how to change your financial life. You need to implement the steps.
Many times I find that the reason many cannot activate the steps is that they don’t know how to implement these 5 steps. That is why I created the Financial Growth Accelerator program. I will guide you through step by step what you need to do to activate each step. Once you’ve activated these steps, you can move towards the next step. Within 6 weeks, you have clarity on your financial life.
To activate the first step, I want you to join the Financial Growth Accelerator program. In this program, I empower you to use the tools you have within and around you to create your best life yet. You deserve to live a life free from stress. You work hard, you are smart and with integrity, it is time you reap the reward. Activate the first step and lead the life you deserve. It is yours to claim.
Schedule your complimentary 15 minutes consultation today. I’ll listen to understand your specific situation, guide you and inject hope into your life.