Your Self-Limiting beliefs stop you to become who you want to be
Posted on August 28, 2021 by Subhash Bhaskaran, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
"It is always peoples' belief system about themselves that stops them to become who they want to be"
Each one of us is like an elephant tied to the rope.
Like the elephant which does not know how to break the rope, for human beings it is the invisible rope in the form of conversation embedded in our subconscious mind from our childhood, which pulls us back every time.
It is the self-limiting beliefs that stop people to become who they want to be.
How do you get out of it?
It can be done through a psychodynamic conversation with an experienced coach who is able to un-conceal the source and distinguish the fact from its interpretation of the incidents.
Once you get an a self-awareness of your embedded emotion, you could take new actions to transform yourself.You always get aware of the reasons of your self-limiting beliefs and hence have the power to act.These self-limiting beliefs no longer stop you to move ahead.