It is the most beautiful things about ourselves that we most often lie about...
Posted on July 27, 2021 by Name Name, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
What do you feel when you catch yourself lying?
Has it really ever felt “good”?
Has lying actually built the life you want?
When, how and why do we lie to ourselves?
For us to recognize lying, we must include the awareness that our first-person perspectives are partial to the truth, but not wholly the truth.
This is often why we use phrases like, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” because what we perceive, and the context we apply, is unique to the beautiful experience, individually witnessed in that given moment.
If our experiences are only a certain level of truthfulness, lying to ourselves stems from the direct rejection, repression or disassociation of our junction with that which is wholly true; We’re denying the reality of who we wholly are.
In this junction, there the are possibilities to be either honest or dishonest with ourselves & others. We may choose dishonesty or more subtly, disempowering, limiting beliefs about what is possible for us or our lives.
What do you feel when you catch yourself lying?
Has it really ever felt “good”?
Has lying actually built the life you want?
When we continually lie or repress, we deepen the chasm of disconnection within ourselves (our persona vs. our ego), others, our spirituality and the real world.
Do you believe that this perspective over time can snowball, to where one feels as if the life they’re living feels depressing, stifling or misaligned with who they really are?
If so, I invite you to ask yourself:
In what instances do you choose disempowering beliefs or limitations out of judgement, fear or expectations?
Conversely, what empowering decisions can you make, when you give yourself the permission to experience and discover the fullness of your life without limitation?