Who is steering your life?
Posted on July 23, 2021 by Robert Main, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
If you have ever let anger get the best of you and regretted your actions then try this simple trick to get you back in control of your decisions.
Have you ever experienced a disproportionate reaction to a small event?
This could be screaming at the kids for leaving their shoes in the middle of the foyer or getting into an argument with your partner over the dirty dishes, it could be anything.
Well, you are not alone. By design, we all get angry. It’s part of how our brains operate, so don’t beat yourself up too much. The trick is to notice when it is happening so that you can make another choice, instead of blowing up.
When someone becomes angry, they are not in problem-solving mode. They are responding from a fight or flight mode which is part of the ego/personality trying to keep them safe.
Try this the next time you find yourself in an angry state. Remove yourself from the situation and ask yourself “what am I afraid of?” or “how can I handle this situation better?” Asking these types of questions and really thinking about them when exhibiting signs of anger will get the brain back into problem-solving mode, which is how a resolution can be found.
Practising this skill will put you back in the driver’s seat and ultimately create a happier existence.