Posted on July 20, 2021 by Craig Wallace PCC, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
Read how an interesting and strong intent can drive your presentation or conversation home!
Intent is the bedrock decision of any great presentation, meeting or one on one conversation. A strong intent goes beneath the surface of what is happening and gets to to the deeper meaning of what you want from the experience. Yes, it may be true that you want more clients from your presentation – that is what is happening and the surface reason for the presentation. But what is that you really want? To be proud of yourself? To move up? To make a difference? To surprise people? To dare yourself?
How to discover a compelling Intent: I use the word “discover” because your true intents already exist and simply need to be revealed. The mind is full of opinions on what may be a good or bad intent, but that is irrelevant. There is no right or good intent and no wrong or bad intent. There is only your intent. And intents that add power and connection to interactions are the ones that you feel – not think about.
Before you begin preparing sit quietly with your eyes shut. Focus your breathing in your upper chest. Ask yourself the question, “What is it that I want from this interaction.” Stay in the upper chest, repeating the question for 3-5 minutes. Note the answer and then ask again, breathing a bit more deeply and moving the breath from the chest to the solar plexus. Stay for about 3-5 minutes. Note the answer. Then move down to the belly. Center the breathing there and ask one more time, “What is it that I really want from this interaction?” By moving and deepening the breath you are deeply exploring your body and giving the most deeply felt intent the chance to reveal itself. You’ll most likely feel an energized warmth that will guide your preparation and eventually your speech.
What makes a compelling intent: An intent that is powerful and connective has three essential elements.
It interests you. If you’re not interested in what you are trying to achieve, you won’t interest anyone else. Since you need never reveal this intent to anyone, you get to go shopping down any aisle of your personality that feels good to you. As you move the breath around exploring how you feel in your body, look for what captivates you. Get very interested in what is is that you want.
It’s Fun to explore: Your presentation, speech or conversation will be instilled with the energy with which it was prepared. No energy resonates more strongly that the energy of fun. See if you can discover an intent that resonates with enthusiasm and is fun to go after. You will you at your most appealing and engaging when you show up for the interaction, drawing people into your field of enthusiastic expertise.
It drives you through the piece. One of the major components of great writing and great speaking is momentum. Your intent needs to drive you forward and bring a propulsive energy to the interaction. There can be no moments that lag behind or derail the train of your presentation. You can not give your audience, whether it be one or 100, a chance to lose focus on what you are saying – it will be very difficult to get them back. If your intent drops off for you, even for a moment, it’s time to find a new intent. Don’t fret, keep breathing and focusing – it’s there.
A driving intent that is interesting and fun will keep both you and your audience captivated. It will add a part of you that will make your interaction involving and relatable. Your words will be alive and meaningful – not flat and one dimensional. Your audience will be drawn to you and not just interested in what you’re saying – but captivated by what you’re saying.