Application of coaching
Posted on July 05, 2021 by Ashish Goyal, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Coaching can be applied to all organizations and people. It helps us to become better versions of ourselves. This article covers few popular coachings
Coaching is a creative, thought provoking process that helps an individual towards maximize their potential.
Every person has an innate desire to do better & better and this desire makes us humans unique. Our quest for improvement is limited by our conditioning, thoughts, beliefs and the social impacts that people have had.
Coaching can be applied to all people; people who are at that point or moment of time are willing to change for better, improve the way they work, learn new things, explore their sub-conscious and simply bring a long lasting positive impact at their work, with their family and society in general.
Popular fields of coaching today in this world are
1. Life coaching
2. Leadership/ Executive coaching
3. Business coaching
4. Career coaching and many more
We will now list down various coaching scenarios:
a. Life Coaching
Work life balance for professionals – Professionals across the world work in a highly competitive space. To ensure that they are noticed, they end up spending more than the stipulate 8-9 hours at work. They live under stress, manage their bosses, peer relationships, etc. All these become spokes in the wheel for finding the right balance for a good quality life.
i. Stress management
ii. Time Management
iii. Peer relationships
iv. Child relationships
v. Spouse relationships
vi. Purpose coaching
vii. Child management
viii. Dealing with Spouse
ix. Money management
x. Un-ending activity management
b. Executive coaching – Leaders come with their own set of challenges. They have the steer their organizations for growth and at the same time build a culture of trust, appreciation and bonding. Coaching is used by these leaders to fully understand where they stand and analyze their way forward.
i. Leadership coaching
ii. Organizational purpose
c. Business coaching
i. Finance coaching
ii. Sales coaching
iii. Operations
iv. Coaching can be applied to all fields of business.
d. Career coaching
i. What is the right job
ii. Job vs business vs professional services
iii. Women going back to work
There can be so many other applications. Nearly everyone has one or more aspects of their life that they may want to be better at. It could be driven by their inner feelings of not being able to cope up with some situations, wanting to be better in some others, changing something that is personally close for the better, and numerous other reasons.
A coach helps them find solutions and commitment to be a better version of themselves.