Stress Management techniques
Posted on June 25, 2021 by Dr Bharat Chaugule, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Stress Management : Three thing you should avoid Hurry, Worry & Curry
Manage Your Stress
Three essential things create stress; if you can manage this, you will get good relief from stress & anxiety. Developing understanding about these following things & overcoming it one can lead a happy and stress-free life.
1. Hurry:
If any individual is doing any work hurriedly definitely, he or she will get stress. Anyone who is doing work speedily it indicates that the person is weak in planning, it means organization skills are not upto the mark. Punctuality is missing; discipline is lacking.
Without proper discipline, punctuality,organization skills and planning person always getting stress. So these qualities and habits are very much essential to become peaceful and stressfree..
In hurriedly doing work, there are always chances to commit a mistake or even accidents. Ethical and rational decision making is not possible if a person is in a hurry.
2. Worry:
Worry, fear or anxiety comes only when a person is over conscious about the future. He or she does not have that capacity to stay in the present. Unrealistic and illogical thinking leads people to stress. So worry is a negative emotion & that is leading to stress and misery. We are worried about our future, children’s education, children’s future, once we will understand the skills of staying in present many problems will solve automatically. Problems are not in circumstances or situation, our ability to respond and incapability of mind state is the main cause to get anxiety, fear and worry. If anyone who understands to manage the state of mind, he can handle the concern. Reframing is an excellent tool for managing stress.
3. Curry:
Curry or spicy food is creating more acidic nature in the stomach. That acidic nature converts into acidity problem for an individual. Almost 80 to 90% illness is happening due to our lousy eating habit pattern. Lifestyle is closely related to eating and sleeping. The chemical and hormonal imbalance creates stress.In yogic science it said be aware of food. Avoid Tamasic food (which creates dullness) & Rajas food (Which creates hyper activeness and take satvik food(which gives energy and peace of mind)
To avoid stress, one must have to overcome hurry, worry and curry. Eat as per your need do not eat as per your wish. Most of the time, from observation, we can understand our intellect is hijacked by our emotions..
Dr. Bharat Chaugule,PhD