Why Principles and Values Are Worth Living by
Posted on August 29, 2011 by Scott Epp, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
A set of values and principles is like having a life map already made for you. Read this inspiring article to find out more.
A Consistent Perspective
If you were to watch a woman being robbed, what would you do? Jump in and help, call the police or nothing at all? A lot of you hate questions like these because you feel there is no right answer or that it is somehow a trick question. The result is that many choose a different answer depending on how they feel, not what they think is right. Truly, if you don’t have a consistent answer, you don’t have a consistent set of values and principles in your life.
A set of values and principles is like having a life map already made for you. It won’t tell you where to go, or how to get there, but it will provide you with the foundation that you need to survive life’s struggles and even flourish in spite of them. In short, a good set of values breeds a consistent perspective and a consistent perspective moves you life in a good direction.
The Power of Owning Your Responses
If you hold your hand out the window and it gets wet, there’s a pretty good chance you can be sure that it’s raining. Anyone who asked you about the weather would get a confident reply, right? Of course they would. Good principles and values give do the same thing. When you know the answer before anyone asks a question about it, there is no hesitation. That’s the power of owning your responses. If you want to build
confidence in your everyday life, start by finding out what your values and principles really are.
Having Truth Feels Good
Not only does a consistent set of values and principles project on those around you, it also affects you. Many people struggle at work to make sure they say “the right” thing. This is a stress that someone with a strong set of principles doesn’t have to deal with. Think back to the beginning of this post where I talked about the woman being robbed. How much anxiety do those with a consistent perspective have about the question? The answer is none. It is only the unsure who find themselves constantly on the fence. Having a good set of principles and values takes you off that fence and that feels good!
Valued Living Knows When to Hold Out
The last benefit of valued living is perhaps the easiest to forget. Knowing what’s right often comes with the stipulation of not settling for anything less. People with a strong set of principles and values may have to wait longer to find what they are looking for. I don’t mean simply financially or socially, but in all aspects of life. Valued living means setting the bar high and then reaching it. Is that something you are ready for? I hope so!
Scott is a Certified Professional Coach and the President of Abundance Coaching. Scott can help you follow your bliss and get more purpose in life. Scott’s passion is to help people discover what they value the most and live it. He has a fun, enlightening and unique program which includes games and personal coaching around your Core Values.
You can get a complimentary coaching session on the phone or on Skype by going to http://www.abundancecoaching.com