What are the 5 “D’s” of Self Discovery?
Posted on May 17, 2021 by Medha Johnson, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Join me in reading part 2 of this 5 part series.
What are the 5 “D’s” of Self Discovery? Part 2
To continue our journey, once you have a direction, we move to the second “D”, Departure. Again, I’m going to the dictionary definitions to set context for us. Google’s dictionary defines departure as:
• the action of leaving, especially to start a journey or,
• a deviation from an accepted, prescribed, or traditional course of action or thought.
Many times people dive right into their perceived “action steps”, they write the classic SMART goals or jump into whatever they believe the next step to move them in the direction of their vision. We have all been schooled in the art of the “to-do list”, or the “just make a plan and get it done” philosophy. But I want to pause a moment on the second dictionary definition. What if in your self-development, you took the second option? What happens in your life if you first craft your Direction then set off on the adventure of an unexpected departure? What possibilities does that open up for you? How do you see your journey through this different lens? Does it excite you to think about creating a path that is unexpected? A question to consider is, are you more motivated by the concept of departure when it’s into the lesser known or unexpected rather that the predictable? If so, how do you use this to your advantage?
I encourage you to really sit with this for a while, if your direction is a vision and it is designed to pull you forward, how do you want to move into this vision? Once you have clarity around this, you can start to craft the list of possibilities, you are empowered to think and act creatively. To begin to trust what you know about yourself and who in your circle of influence supports you. This is the time to be bold and brave.