What is problem?
Posted on May 03, 2021 by Dr Bharat Chaugule, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Problem is opportunity for us.
Concept of Problem?
Generally, I asked this question in my seminar, workshops and coaching many times to my participants, “what is the problem?”, that time they replied My Boss is a problem, this culture and climate is problem, my mother is a problem, my friends are problem,my father is a problem, my employees are a problem, my neighbour is a problem, the situation is a problem, obstacles are the problem. Different answers came from their side.
Do you think these are the problems no certainly not?
Desired state (Where you want to go)
Current state (Where you are now)
Gap between these two: desired state and current is the real problem
Approach to problem-solving: The difference or gap between the desired state and the present state is the problem. It means where you are now & what you want to become in between gap is the problem.
Gap Analysis?
Understanding the gap analysis is much essential to solve any kind of problem. The gap may be skills,qualification, knowledge,attitudes etc.
Skills Set are given below:
Technical skills
Hard skills
Life skills
Soft skills
Professional Skills
Analytical skills
Enterprising skills etc.
As Einstein rightly said On which level of thinking we have created a problem we can not solve that problem the same level of thinking.
If we will change the frame then automatically perception changes
Reference points
If we change our reference points, we can easily change our map or our reality and take decisions without bias.
Changing the perceptual position
We are habitual for one kind of thinking pattern and view point once we change our position and can reach others position we get a better clarity & understanding about situations.
Seeing the things as it is can avoid any problem.
Dr.Bharat Chaugule,PhD