How to convert dream into goal?
Posted on May 02, 2021 by Dr Bharat Chaugule, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Dream can be converted in goal (Two important tools SMART and 5D)
How to convert dream into Goal, two important tools are given below.
S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Attainable
R: Realistic
T: Time-bound
Specific: Goal Should be specific; for example, someone says I will do more hard work, I will study more, I will earn lot of money, I can reduce my weight. These are not specific goals. One has to say I can reduce 3 kg in One month, 1-inch belly in two month. I can earn 3 Lakh per month; I will study 8 hours per day, these are all specific goals.
Measurable: If you can’t measure, you can’t improve. Measurement is very important. We must have to know whether we are going away from Goal or towards the Goal.
Attainable: Goal should be achievable or attainable
Realistic: Whatever Goal it should be realistic
Time-bound: Goals must be time-bound. One must have to give a specific time limit to it.
D: Devotion or Dedication
D: Discipline
D: Deadline
Direction: The direction is more important in goal setting, How fast you are going is not important but which direction you are going that is more important. . If you want to convert your dream into goal direction is very much important.
Dedication: It is quality of being committed toward the work or task without full involvement in that particular work desired result or outcome is impossible.So dedication plays a vital role.
Determination: Strong determination is quality of successful person. Failure people will take more time to make a decision and changes the decisions very frequently. At the same time, successful people take the decision very fast and stick with it. Strong determination is needed to convert the dream into the goal.
Discipline: If a person has everything, for example, attitude,knowledge, skill but he or she is not disciplined, do you think that he or she can achieve Goal? No. Certainly not. Discipline is a must to achieve anything in our life.
Deadline: Without the deadline, it is just a dream. So if we want to convert the dream into Goal, it has to be time limit or deadlines. The Goal has to be accomplished in stipulated time then only it is Goal or else dreams only.
Dr. Bharat Chaugule,PhD