Don't Feed The Animals
Posted on August 26, 2011 by Early Jackson, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
How is negativity effecting you? The reality is, this is a force we do not readily notice it.
I hope this has been a great week for you thus far. Now let’s make it an even better one with a positive blog, just for you! Some months ago, I was scanning the news channels, as I usually do and realized that the Unites States has been seeing a rash of animal attacks at various zoos and outdoor parks. I began to check into it more via the web and I notice there is far more to these attacks than meets the eye. I am not referring to sudden killings while people are going about their normal day. I am talking about killings that happen in controlled public environments while some are actually putting themselves in harm’s way. The more I researched it dawned on me there are a lot of things an individual can do to avoid being mauled by a tiger or eaten by a shark. In reflection of that, there are direct similarities to when animals attack and the negative people we allow in our lives. Just as there are warning signs for an animal’s aggression, there are signs you are in a negative environment as well. Negativity is probably one of the MOST underestimated killers of momentum we encounter. Just start a little poll in your own life of how many times a day you hear a negative statement. I am sure the results will be staggering! The real kicker, however, is how we don’t appreciate the validity of such activity. We have somehow convinced ourselves that we are immune to these rebel words of negativity floating all around us. The reality is, if we are not taking a proactive approach to what we are receiving on a daily basis, there will be NO WAY to prevent what happens next; the shameful scene of another animal attack. However this time it won’t be lions, tigers or bears. Instead it will be the beast of negative words leering all around you! Here are the top three reasons people end up in dangerous situations and unfortunately injured when dealing with animals and their flaky temperaments: (1) Humans ignore the obvious signs of danger being near: How many times has the news reporters stated that the person involved in the attack simply climbed over a gate, fence etc in order to get some candid pose near a dangerous animal. We must heed the warnings! There are people near you right now that you have witnessed devour a person verbally yet you still choose to confide in them. Why would you constantly put your head in the mouth of the lion?? (2) Humans cross barriers in search of a thrill: The fence is there for a reason! You cannot break the law of nature and expect no repercussions. I have personally seen people put their hands in tanks, through gate openings and so forth to try and get the attention of an animal. In San Diego last year it was reported a woman hopped the barrier to stand on a rock next to a sleeping Siberian Tiger. WHY? For excitement. We cannot afford to do this with negativity. It is a killer and will attack on sight given the opportunity! (3) Humans have a false sense of superiority. We simply believe there is no way this could happen to me. Maybe we think we are quicker, smarter or more adept than a natural born killer that deals with the frustrations of being in captivity daily. It is this same inferiority that causes us to play cat & mouse with negativity. It may be sitting there quietly, but don’t think for a second it isn’t plotting a way to eat you up. In this season of warm weather when many by the droves will be visiting theme parks and zoos alike; I ask you to let common sense prevail and avoid agitating any of the animals. The likelihood of any of us being attacked by a wild vicious African lion is almost slim to none. On the other hand, the reality that every day you will have to fend off negative words in order to save your life is VERY HIGH. So as I leave you, please remember not to feed the animals of negative words and actions. See you at the top!