10 Reasons You're Still Broke
Posted on August 26, 2011 by Early Jackson, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
Money makes the world go around! But what happens when you don't have enough? Check out these tips
10. You don’t have and operate within any kind of budget
9. You refuse to maintain a savings account
8. You lend money to friends and family excessively
7. You spend much more than you make (shop-a-holic)
6. You’re in a fantasy that says keep up with The Joneses
5. You never invest to increase your financial literacy
4. You rely heavily on multiple credit cards
3. You simply will not live a little below your means
2. You’re not taking advantage of all your resources like sales, specials and coupons
1. You just do not make enough at your current job
- For more tips and opportunities for coaching, visit my website at: www.earlyjacksoncoaching.com