What is the purpose of your life ?
Posted on March 22, 2021 by Shweta Sucharia, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
In this article I am trying trigger thought process to look for the bigger picture of your life.
Shweta Sucharia (co-founder at LifeSecret)
Many of us keep ourselves so busy between work, chores and our leisure activities that there’s really little time to think deep thoughts about the meaning of life.
But occasionally, somewhere in the back of our minds, we have a nagging feeling that there must be something more. There must be a purpose for our lives—something we were meant to be or accomplish.
Thoughts like these can come to our minds at those emotionally charged transition periods of our life: when we leave home, get our first job, get married, have children, have an empty nest or retire.
Even more, questions about the purpose of life come when we lose a loved one or friend. Being reminded of our own mortality can lead us to analyze our lives and seek deeper meaning to it all.
It’s the most important philosophical question; yet at the same time, it is deeply practical. Knowing our purpose gives direction to our lives. A life full of purpose is a life of vitality, excitement and ultimately success.
So what is the purpose of life – of your life?
What Is your Life Purpose?
Your life purpose consists of the central motivating ultimate aims/goals of your life—’the reasons you get up in the morning, till you go to best night".
Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning to your life. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work. For others, their purpose lies in their responsibilities to their family or friends or may be society, Others seek meaning through spirituality or religious beliefs or serving unconditionally to mankind. Some people may find their purpose clearly expressed in all these aspects of life.
Purpose will be unique, very very specific in nature for each and everyone; what you identify as your path may be different from others. What’s more, your purpose can actually shift and change throughout life in response to the evolving priorities and fluctuations of your own experiences.
Questions that may come up when you reflect upon your life purpose are:
Who am I?
Where do I belong?
When do I feel content and happy?
In the next post I would share that by knowing yourself accurately would evolve your life to multifold and get you the happiness and success that you deserve.
Looking forward to hear from you
Shweta Sucharia
Co-Founder @ LifeSecret
Transforming Lives from Becoming to Being