Just Knowing
Posted on March 22, 2021 by Tracy Baranauskas, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Your inner voice will never steer you wrong.
I’m not sure how to explain it exactly.
I mean, I couldn’t see it or hear it. And there was no evidence to support my belief. Really, the evidence was to the contrary. My husband tried to point this out and encouraged me to give it up.
Yet still, I knew.
Here’s the story of what happened…
A while back when I was at the hair salon, I took my eyeglasses off (like I always do) and put them in their case.
And prior to that day, there was a tiny piece that had come loose on the frame, and it fell off every time I folded my glasses. Now, don’t judge me here, but instead of getting it fixed, for the longest time I would just try not to fold my glasses. But, while at the hair salon, it needed to be done.
And so, after my appointment, when I pulled my glasses out of their case and put them back on my face, the tiny piece fell onto the floor. Thankfully, I was able to retrieve it easily and popped it inside the case, figuring I’d “fix” my glasses once I got to my car.
Once I got to my car and opened the case, the tiny piece was gone.
It was such a mystery because I knew I had just put it in there. Unfortunately, it was dark outside, and the lighting was bad in my car. Still, I searched through my purse and through my car, thinking it might have fallen out when I opened the case.
I really wanted to find it because although it was tiny, it was important. Without it, my glasses sat crooked on my face and were uncomfortable.
And so, I marched back inside the salon, and Jessica, my hairstylist, helped me search the floor around her station but with no luck.
Eventually, I headed home, and felt more determined than ever to find that little, important nugget.
Once home, I dumped my purse onto my bed and unsuccessfully searched through everything. I picked up the eyeglass case to examine it, and for just a moment, I heard a jingly sound – but then nothing.
I shook it and shook it again, but it was silent. Had I imagined the jingle? Hmmm?
It was at about that time that my husband, Jerry, came in and was curious about what I was doing. After I explained the situation, he repeated my actions, examining everything carefully. He also shook the eyeglass case but heard nothing as well. Then, he opened it again and again to prove to me it wasn’t there.
And this is where this ordinary story gets interesting because despite all of this, I knew that it was there.
I just knew.
And so, I asked Jerry to get a knife and cut through the shell of the hard case.
“Hon, it’s not here,” he tried to logic with me. Again, he shook it and showed me the “proof”.
“I know it doesn’t make any sense,” I told him. “But it’s here.”
And so, just to appease me, Jerry cut open the case.
And once he cut through the interior lining, there was the tiny metal sliver tucked inside. It was stuck to a sticky piece of tape, hence the reason it must have stopped jingling.
To this day, we don’t understand how it got inside the lining, but that’s beside the point.
The part of this story I always want to remember is the knowing part.
I knew it was there, even though this feeling defied logic. And my sense of knowing was so strong that even Jerry’s attempt to persuade me with “proof” didn’t sway me in the least.
And so why am I sharing this riveting story about a lost piece of tiny metal with you?
Because tapping into and then trusting your knowing is powerful! Your inner voice will never steer you wrong.
I should note – I’m not psychically gifted, nor was this magic. We ALL have a true knowing that’s rather easy to access, however many of us have been taught not to trust our inner voice from the time we were small.
And it’s because of this lack of self-trust that some people spend their entire lives trying to tune out their inner voice.
Then, when they have big or small decisions to make what to study, who to love, what career fulfills them, where to live, Italian or Chinese for dinner? they poll friends and family, consult the “experts”, and research online, all the while ignoring their own knowing.
Often on consultation calls, clients will tell me that they’ve done everything they thought they were “supposed” to do. They’ve checked all the boxes. Typically, they’ve set some pretty hefty goals for themselves and accomplished them, yet still life feels rather “blah”.
And when I ask them what they truly want for their lives, it’s not unusual for them to say they don’t know.
But I know that they do.
Helping my clients learn to trust themselves and their intuition is always part of the mindset work we do together. Acting from a place of knowing typically requires courage, especially when there is no “evidence” to support our beliefs and loved ones and experts may disagree. However, it’s the key to wholehearted living.
So, I’m wondering, are you creating time to listen to your inner voice?
What is your sense of knowing telling you?
Are you taking courageous action from a place of knowing?
Message me and tell me where you’re at.
I’d love to hear from you!