Proper Planning Equals Success
Posted on August 21, 2011 by Tony McNeil, One of Thousands of Christian Coaches on Noomii.
With systematic process, success is practically assured.
“Proper planning and perseverance especially and in spite of minor or gross failure leads to eventual success if you never quit.” -Tony DeVaun McNeil
Do you have dreams and goals?
It is important to have dreams and goals, because they can help guide us in practically all of our decision making. The Decision-Making Process consists of five components:
I. Identify the Problem:
Before we can do anything about any problem, we must first understand exactly what the main problem is. There can be many manifestations of a problem, but we must investigate so as not to spend time on symptoms of the problem, but the problem itself.
II. Gather Information:
What do you know about the problem? What makes it a challenge to overcome? What gives it power over you? What is the weakness of this opponent or obstacle that I can use to conquer it?
III. List Possible Courses of Action:
List the courses of action, then prioritize them. What is within my reach to help me master this test? Who do I know that has information and/or assets that I can use to triumph over my problem(s)?
IV. Select the Best Course of Action:
Once your options are prioritized with the most likely course of action at the fore, you increase your chances of success. Rather than blindly “stabbing in the dark” you try the most likely route to success.
V. Implement and Reevaluate:
Put your ideas into action and make a vow to yourself that you will not give up until you have resolved the conflict facing you. When I put all my efforts into the best course of action, there is less chance of losing heart because of defeat suffered by not using the best choice. If you do not meet with success, you may only need to be more persistent with your first decision, or attempt the next course of action on your list. When you are finally successful, then you will either gain faith in yourself, or increase your existing self-esteem. Don’t give up if you are not successful on the first attempt. Consider it a short pause on your road to success.
If our dreams and goals are important enough to us, we won’t jeopardize them for sex, money, drugs, etc. If we don’t have dreams and goals, we are like a boat set upon the waters without a ruder. The wind blows east, and the boat goes east. The wind blows west or south, and the boat goes west or south. Our proper dreams and goals will set us down a path that will steer us away from the negative aspects of life that are not a part of our realistic dream or goal in life.
There are methodical steps to achievement, and each step calls for knowledge. To not seek knowledge is to say; I don’t care to better myself. To not care to better your self is to say; I don’t care about myself. To not care about your self, is no different than saying, “I don’t love myself.” No matter what reasonable goal you want to achieve, if you follow the pattern below and never give up those reasonable dreams and goals you will be able to succeed:
1. Set Reasonable Goal(s)
Set the long-range goal of what you want to achieve in your lifetime. Set short-range goals that as you accomplish them, will lead to achievement your long-range goal.
2. Research Your Goal(s)
Find out what you must do to achieve the goals you have set, and determine if you actually want to do what it takes to achieve your goals.
3. Align Your Goal(s) with Your Values
If the things that are important to you conflict with the things you must do to achieve your goals, the chances are very high that you will not achieve your goals, unless you compromise your values (which make them not valuable).
4. Make Your Goal(s) Tangible
Get a picture of something that depicts your goal in some way, this will bring your goals to the fore and keep you mindful of them. People, who make their goals tangible, are more likely to achieve them than those who merely set goals in their minds.
5. Most Importantly, Put God First
If you are not religious, then you will not apply this element, but I challenge even you to honestly seek the Lord, and know for yourself that He is and He will bless those who submit to Him. He will insure we have all the other things we need in life. I emphasize need versus want since many times we choose the things we want over the things we need. For example, as a single man I need a place to live, but I don’t need a five-bedroom mansion (unless I plan to move my family in or some other circumstance that would warrant that much room.
Additional Points:
Research Other Peoples Success
Research what others have done to achieve the same goal you have set for yourself. You don’t have to use trial and error, since someone has already done it before you. It is quite possible that you will be able to find the story of successful people at your nearest library. Simply apply the things that they did that worked, this will save you the time, money, and effort of attempting to do something that will not lead to the achievement of your dreams and goals. When you are able to avoid time-consuming mistakes, you will then see the extreme importance of a library card.
Reasonable goals coupled with knowledge and perseverance practically guarantees success. As you achieve your short-range goals they will ultimately lead to the achievement of your long-range goal(s), but if you give up or allow someone to steal your dreams, you are guaranteed failure. As you move towards success, you will probably have set backs, but ultimately failure can only occur when or if you give up.
Establish short-range goals and knowledge coupled with perseverance often invariably leads to success in reaching or achieving those short-range goals. Achieving short-range goals through perseverance likewise almost guarantees successful achievement of long range goals. Consistent achievement of long range goals balanced by the non-material but equally important things in life will lead to a successful life. Note that with perseverance and a realistic goal, success is almost always assured! In reality some unforeseen event can thwart the best-laid plans, but intermediate failure is to be expected along the path to final success in any endeavor. Temporary setbacks are only synonymous with failure when we give up our dreams and goals and accept defeat.
“He who knows not, and knows not he knows not is foolish, shun him. He who knows not, and knows he knows not is simple, teach him. He who knows not, and knows not he knows not is asleep, awaken him. He who knows and knows he knows, is wise, follow him.”- Bruce Lee