10Q to check if my job aligns with who I am
Posted on March 05, 2021 by SIXU CHEN, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Here are 10Qs for you to discover whether or not you should change your job. Under each question, there are sub questions for you to think deeper.
1. Are you excited to wake up in the morning to go to work?
a. When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel?
b. Are you looking forward to get the day started, so is there a sense of dread?
2. Do you feel appreciated and valued at your worth?
a. Do you know your value?
b. Are you treated how you would like to be treated?
c. Are you well compensated at your job?
3. Are you having fun with your job?
a. When do you what you do, does time fly by without notice?
b. Is there a sense of enjoyment in your job?
4. Does your work bring the best out of you?
a. Does your work challenge you to be better?
b. Are you utilizing your talents and strength at your work?
5. Do you have time to take care of yourself?
a. At the end of your workday, do you have time to take care of yourself, or are you mostly drained?
6. Do you and your company share the same values?
a. What is the value that you can’t live without?
b. Does your company’s value support what you care about?
7. Are you proud to talk about your job?
a. Does your job make you feel good about yourself?
b. Are you happy to share with others what you do?
8. Do you know what purpose your job is serving for the greater good?
a. Who benefits most from your company?
b. Does what you do help make the world a better place?
9. Do you see a clear career path for yourself or are you just living for the day?
a. Do you see yourself doing your current job for the long term?
b. Is this job sustainable when evaluating all areas of your life?
10. Do you feel consistent fulfillment in your job?
a. Do you only feel fulfillment occasionally, or is it fulfilling most of the time?
If you answer “no” to any of the above questions, it shows misalignment, and perhaps what you are currently doing is not what your truly desire and may not be the best career choice for you.