What does Authenticity Mean to You?
Posted on March 01, 2021 by Melissa Roberg, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Insights & inquiring questions you can ask yourself in order to define your meaning of authenticity.
Authenticity – it’s such a buzz word these days.
Everyone wants to be more authentic. Be more real, Be more YOU.
It’s great – but have you really sat down to think about what authenticity means to you?
What does it really look like – at work, at home, in your relationships?
And, how much of your “Authenticity” is REALLY you? And how much is still based on others? And your own ego?
It’s a great question to really ponder because authenticity is 100% you and it means that your actions are aligned with your true self, beliefs and desires. It’s the ability to be true to yourself despite the external pressures to conform and be someone/something else.
As a leader in your own life, and in the lives of others – people appreciate, value and are inspired by authenticity.
It’s natural to feel afraid or resist becoming more authentic when we know that the identities we have built up can be unravelled. We will sometimes do anything to protect ourselves from pain, embarrassment and failure – and trade off our true selves and authenticity. We learn to imitate others to be accepted, adopt their thought patterns and ways of doing things.
Prolonged inauthentic action starts to feel forceful, draining. We keep pushing, being what we are not. At first, it can seem easy, and not much effort. However, over time our desire, momentum and energy for “putting on a face” becomes full of force, starts feeling difficult and leaves us feeling victimised and have no choice.
We always have a choice to be a more authentic leader and to lead ourselves towards more authenticity.
As we grow as individuals and become more of who we truly are, our core beliefs, values and priorities change.
It’s important to check in with yourself regularly to make sure that who you are “being” – is still who you WANT to be.
It’s important to know your beliefs, what you value, what your personality type is, your strengths and qualities – this will inform the way you live and lead.
Leadership, Growth and Authenticity
Life requires us to grow, to improve, to learn and to evolve. If we don’t, we die.
Professional development can leave you thinking – how do I stay authentic to myself in this area of my life?
Organisations and our roles as leaders can have certain expectations, and that can often leave us feeling perplexed with how to show up. We can be thrown totally out of our comfort zones, though it is important to ask yourself the question – is this a growth opportunity or an opportunity for me to stay aligned with my values? Each circumstance may require a different answer and it’s important to know that we are remaining authentic whilst still propelling ourselves forward to growth.
Growth, voicing our beliefs and maintaining our personal integrity can take courage, conscious choice and consistent effort.
It’s important to find the balance between where you end and others (organisations, family members, etc.) start on your journey towards more authenticity.
So, what does authenticity mean to you? And how do you go about defining it for yourself?
Finding your true self is a journey that can take time and introspection – and is often a lifelong journey. As a transformational life and leadership coach, I help women who want to see their outer lives align with their inner self, and as a result, create a life that feels more joyful, effortless and full of possibility. Below are a few questions to help get you started in defining authenticity.
> In life, where do you feel like you are hiding your true Self?
> What about the situation makes you feel inauthentic?
> What is preventing you from being inauthentic?
> Who do you believe your true Self would be in this situation?
> What does your true Self value and believe in these situations?
> What can you do to practice authenticity in your day to day roles?
> What makes you unique?
> What are your strengths and gifts?
> How are you expressing these strengths and gifts in your life and leadership roles?
> Where are my sweet spots of authenticity?
> What changes might you consider making to live more authentically?
Being truly happy in your life and leadership roles comes from knowing yourself, accepting all aspects of yourself and sharing who you are with the world. When you are living in alignment, you are radiating joy, peace and contentment.
You are an inspiration. You are the best source of inspiration.
You can express yourself, in all that you are and do.
You are authentic.