Why is Everything I Touch Turning to _____ ?
Posted on August 17, 2011 by Stephen Clarke, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
From time to time people can develop self-destructive behaviors that work against everything we do. Here are some thoughts.
“Why is Everything I Touch Turning to _____ ?”
Self-Destructive Behaviors – where did those come from?
Many of us at some time in our life or career (both) have wondered why things aren’t going the way we want them to. There are many reasons that can be attributed to those situations including self-destructive behaviors.
Many years ago, driven perhaps by my youth, I entered such a time when nothing was going right. At the time, the reasons eluded me but in retrospect I discovered that I had allowed myself to move into a series of behaviors that were not healthy and not career enabling. Specifically, I developed a bad attitude about my career and my bosses. I had lost faith and trust in my bosses and developed an attitude of “I’ll show them!” It didn’t work out that way.
Certainly we can say that “logic” wasn’t a dominant force in this scenario. Instead, emotion had taken over and in the long run the only one who suffered was me. What could I have done differently?
If I knew then what I know now…I would have hired a coach to help me work through what seemed to be a huge dilemma. Working with a coach helps us see beyond barriers. Barriers include things like:
- Gremlins
- Assumptions
- Interpretations
- Limiting Beliefs
Each factor of “GAIL” is significant and can represent a real challenge to get past without understanding what is feeding them. Give me a call if you’d like to know more about “GAIL.” In the situation described previously, the affects of G.A.I.L. didn’t allow me to effectively manage the situation. Do you have limiting beliefs in your career? In dealing with people? In how to reach your goals?
As leaders, we cannot “know it all.” We are good in certain areas and need help in others. What very often happens is an executive will focus 110% on his/her organization’s accomplishments but fails to strategically orchestrate their own. They often miss “signals” and grow more distant from those attributes that once propelled them to success, but now represent barriers for
their future. Give a certified coach a call today!
If there are questions you have concerning professional leadership coaching please contact Steve Clarke at 480-946-5390 or email him at eispro@leaders-view.com