Just Try.
Posted on February 09, 2021 by Vanessa Plimley, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
What would happen if we ignored all the inner talk that sometimes can stop us in our tracks? My mantra of 2021 - Just Try.
My mantra of 2021 is “Just Try.”
We all go through the wild ride of life with unforeseen ups and downs, which can be short bumps in the road or life-changing ones.
I have returned to the coaching and personal training world, with a new challenge.
4 years ago, a mosquito disease took an unforeseen turn in my system, giving me encephalitis and leaving me with severe chronic migraines with weather pressure changes. Normally we are running to our southern home of Nicaragua, for sunshine and warm seas in between work contracts, during winter months.
There, I feel in my power with a clear mind and fired up pain-free body. North American winters are tough for me, with 50-75 % of my days and months in bed.
Yet when I rise out of the migraine fog, I am so excited for everything life has to offer. I want so deeply to move, connect, share, to write, work and to go fly fishing.
I have a list of things I want to get done in a day, week or month. Sometimes I can do one and not the five others. I cycle through them, focusing on ticking off what I can, rather than not. Somehow, it all keeps moving forward, albeit slowly.
With Covid, we are hunkered down and feeling very thankful for my husband’s work. For myself, it was the first year I thought, “Just Try.” The pull to return to my career specialties as well as writing were tugging on my soul.
For most of my adult life I worked for myself, creating my brand and voice. When younger, I thought I had to conform to the mold dictated by society. As the years passed, I realized that I had the amazing ability and choice to do things my way. With heart, authenticity, and pure stoke.
With speaking my current health challenge, having a clear conversation of expectations, and giving my 100% when at full capacity, I have had glowing support. What I thought would deter clients, has instead shown them that we all have stumbling blocks. How we navigate them and create a new path, is what counts.
So here I am showing up with a fueled heart, ready to share the joy. I am so thankful that it still overflows through tough times.
Big love to you all going through mega life challenges. The sun will rise, the seasons will change, and a new horizon is waiting. Just try. stokeyourfire.wordpress.com