Remove 'try' from your vocabulary
Posted on February 02, 2021 by Michelle Gauthier, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Why the word 'try' can be hindering your productivity and preventing you from reaching your goals.
Try. Let’s talk about it. I’ll try to workout today. I’ll try to talk to the person I have a crush on. I’ll try to eat healthier. I’ll try to take time for myself. I’ll try my best. I’ll try to be more confident. I’ll try to get a job.
How did those sentences feel? Can you relate to them? What emotions arose? Did you believe those things were going to happen?
Try. It is non-committal. The word alone gives you an out if things don’t go as you expect or plan. Saying ‘try’ tells yourself that it is not important enough for you to go all in. Often times I will see a ‘tried’ attempt happen, and then the person gives up altogether because they ‘tried’ and it didn’t work. It’s about shifting your mindset and your energy for that outcome. Ask yourself, for all the things you are ‘trying’ to do, how much do they mean to you? How dedicated are you to making that thing happen?
What if we changed “I’ll try” to “I will” or “I am”? Let’s go back to our examples. I will workout today. I will talk to the person I have a crush on. I will eat healthier. I will take time for myself. I will do my best. I will be confident. I will get a job.
What reactions and feelings arose now? I know from just typing them that I felt the power with each statement. I felt a little resistance because just typing them I felt as though I was 100% committing to them, which left thoughts of ‘but what it doesn’t happen?". Using ‘try’ gives us an out. It’s also why many people fail to get the things done they want to get done. There’s no dedication. No commitment. Where is the resistance coming from for you? Where have you not succeeded in tasks/goals you’ve set out to accomplish? What is holding you back from going full out in your life?
Trying allows for one attempt. Doing and accomplishing requires courage, possibility, and persistence. When you set yourself a goal and it is important to you, do everything you can to make it happen. Live it. Believe it. Find and use resources to help you get it.
I know it can be uneasy to fully commit to something. I know it can seem like a huge burden or a waste of money to invest in help. I also know that fully committing allows you to truly see what you are capable of. Truly investing can be the change you have been waiting for.
I challenge you to become aware of when you will ‘try’ to do something and your attitudes towards it. Notice if it happens and what energy you bring to it. I challenge you to shift from try and embrace ‘will’ and ‘am’. Remove ‘try’ from your vocabulary. Live in possibility and commitment. If you don’t know how or where to start, reach out for help. Find resources, tools, and people to help you. When you commit, everything else will shift.