Posted on February 01, 2021 by Tracy Baranauskas, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Your words are powerful!
That was the very first word that came out of my mouth last Thursday morning.
And then, other unsavory words and phrases followed as I jumped up out of my bed and pulled the covers off the mattress. You see, I had spilled more than half of my cup of hot coffee down the front of me and all over my bedding.
Fortunately, although uncomfortable, there was no serious burn involved. But still, I was grumpy! I like to start my morning off slowly, and it wasn’t going to happen on this day.
My next thought was, “Ugh, and now I need to get going with my day.”
Typically, I don’t schedule appointments prior to my morning walk, but I had a new client consultation scheduled that morning bright and early.
“Okay,” I thought. “Just shake it off. You have plenty of time to shower and get ready for your call.”
But first, I remembered that I needed to weigh in. (I always track my weight on Thursday mornings.) And so, I quickly hopped on the scale.
Welp, all I’m gonna say here, is the scale delivered some not great news which triggered more unsavory words and phrases from my mouth.
Then, even grumpier me jumped in the shower and got ready for my consultation appointment.
Long story, finally coming to an end here, the client didn’t show up for the consultation. Nor did she respond to my follow-up call or email. And so, I was very salty at this point, for sure!
“I guess I’ll get to go for my walk this morning after all,” I thought. And I took my grouchy-self off to the park.
As I walked that morning, I began to relax and remember a tidbit of wisdom I had learned just the night before in my Shine On! inspiration group for women.
Mindfulness Teacher Debbie Schulman Friedman was our guest presenter that evening, and she taught us a fun fact about the word “abracadabra”. Debbie said this magical word is of Hebrew origin and translates to: I create what I speak.
Thinking of this made me smile!
I mean, I’m very aware that my thoughts and words create my reality. It’s what I teach my clients for heaven’s sake! And when I learned about the word “abracadabra” from Debbie, I thought, “Oooh what a delightful word to use to remind myself to shake up my stories when need be!"
But then, when the opportunity presented itself the VERY NEXT MORNING, I totally missed the train!
Thankfully, it’s never too late for a thought-shift though, and so as I continued on my walk, I said to myself, “abracadabra”! Then, I began to focus my thoughts on how I wanted the rest of my day to go, and I stopped replaying the story of morning drama in my mind.
I’m sharing these three truth bombs with you today, just in case you need a reminder like I did:
*Your words are powerful.
*What you focus on, you create more of.
*You get to decide – always!
Now, does this mean that life is always going to be hippy-skippy? Nope, shi*t sometimes happens, and that’s to be expected.
However, when we notice a pattern of things not going our way, or when we get stuck ruminating on unhelpful thoughts that don’t serve us, we always have the opportunity to shift our mindset and create new results.
Empowering, right?
I love knowing that I can create what I want for my life with intentional thoughts and words.
And it energizes me to remember that I have the power to decide how I want to feel about my life and what I want to believe is possible.
Isn’t that the best?
And, of course, it’s true for you too!
Today, let this magical word be your reminder…
PS - If you want to get better at managing your mind drama and staying focused on what lights you up, connect with me. I can help you move forward faster to make your dreams a reality!