Posted on January 27, 2021 by Laura Sciore, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
Intentional, sustainable change is hard! Ask anyone who has tried to switch career, develop a new skill, improve a relationship or break a habit.
We can change, however, we are rarely able to do it alone. Helping people change is sustainable. A well-trained, professional coach helps people create intentional, sustainable change. As per Richard E. Boyatzis, Professor in the departments of Organizational Behaviour and Psychology and Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University, intentional change involves:
• Envisioning the ideal self (who you wish to be and what you want to do in your work and life);
• Exploring the real self (the gaps you need to fill and the strengths that will help you do so);
• Developing a learning agenda (a road map for turning aspirations into reality); and then
• Experimenting and practicing (with new behaviours and roles).
It is extremely difficult to do this on your own. A coach will help you explore where you are today and where you want to go, even if you don’t think you know what that is. Your “knowing” of yourself and your desire for change is within you to discover. To hire a coach is to choose to discover that “knowing”, feel that shift within and then to take actions forward. Whenever we choose to act, we begin to become unstuck. It is a combination of “being” who you are and “acting” in a way that honours your values, your dreams and your SELF.