How to Burst Your Bottleneck and Get Quicker Results
Posted on January 21, 2021 by Lisa J MacDonald, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Uncover the bottleneck in your business to start getting results quicker. Set yourself up for success.
I am finding the most prominent current problem with creative entrepreneurs right now is they don’t know what they should focus on in their business in these uncertain times.
I recently ran my Just Finish Your Damn Project course. Most of the participants struggled to know what their project should be and what would be in most alignment for their clients and their current situation.
Reasons for this could be:
*Working too much in their business and not on their business
*Not having a clear strategy of where they are going
*Being paralyzed with fear
*Lack of structure that keeps them knowing the most important tasks or completely them
How do you know what should be your best focus for the next 90 days to meet your business goals?
One of the best ways to gain the clarity needed to compel your business forward is to identify your bottleneck.
The truth is every business has bottlenecks. Bottlenecks are the most constricted points in our business that slows down all progress. If you didn’t have bottlenecks, you would be having more success in your business than you currently have.
If you want to have more success in your business, figuring out the bottleneck is a great way to leverage your business to the next level. Getting clearer on the bottleneck helps the entrepreneur become clearer on the opportunity in front of them.
So instead of getting depressed by the bottleneck, it can serve you to look for the opportunity. It’s not only an opportunity, but it is a huge opportunity to compel and move forward you results.
When you know your bottleneck, you often know what your 90-day Project is. (The strategic Project to get you out of the bottleneck.)
The Power of the Bottleneck
Often when people think of bottlenecks in business, they are thinking about manufacturing or big business. But the concept of figuring out where the biggest constriction in your business can be extremely powerful for small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Discover Your Bottleneck (or Constraint) Exercise
To find your weakest link, make a list of all the obstacles that are preventing you from reaching your goals:
List 5 to 10 undesirable effects of these obstacles as it relates to your goals.
Build out a map of causes. Create a fundamental cause and effect chain. (You are on a hunt for the pattern of events getting in your way from completing the Project.)
Ask yourself:
Why am I not getting my Project done? Listen to the answer and write it down.
Why is that happening? Listen to the answers and write that down.
Why is that happening? Keep going asking yourself that question until you put down the whole chain of events.
You’ll notice that these issues are more related than you realize. And if you follow the chain long enough, you will find that there is a convergence of causes. There will be fewer causes until you get to either one or just a few that are actually causing all the challenges.
This is your constraint.