Power of Forgiveness
Posted on January 11, 2021 by Trishona Lindsay, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
If you cant let go, let it be!
Forgiveness starts from within.
When you can understand your worth / your value, you allow yourself the power to STOP feeling like a victim and take back your power.
Forgiveness is not easy BUT it is a choice.
Do you feel that sharp pain in your stomach when you think about that word as it relates to your situation? Whether from a friend, a partner, a family member, etc.
It starts to feel heavy, doesn’t it? But that’s only because you are in the process of resisting it, aren’t you?
It’s not easy, heck no! Let’s take the gym for example. Many individuals make “new year goals” or even health goals (for summer, maybe), and let’s be honest it’s not easy. In this new exercise regime you have to develop, forgiveness is the muscle you have to build.
It can be so messy, especially during a breakup or a divorce. You experience a rollercoaster of feelings and emotions. You go up the emotional spectrum with ease and flow, just because you are of the mindset that you are not letting them off the hook.
But is it worth it? The pain, the stress, the frustration of being angry. For some, they fight forgiveness because that is the last thing we want to offer to the person instead of thinking of their health and inner peace. Breakup and divorce have created a tremendous amount of pain in everyone’s life that has experienced it and we are terrified to be hurt again.
So, what happens then? Do you start pointing fingers? Or you come to self-actualization and awareness. Forgiveness isn’t easy in any situation or relationship, but as you become aware of it and learn to practice it, you’ll feel lighter, more peaceful, and free. Choose to forgive and have compassion for who you are, who they are, and who you will become.