Live Awake
Posted on January 05, 2021 by Lise Da Silva, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Why aren’t you living awake? Is it out of habit, lack of awareness, benefit or fear? Has anyone ever taught you to live awake?
What exactly does this mean?
Let’s review a scenario here. Have you ever gotten into your car, driven to a destination and not even realized that you arrived? You were either so deep in your thoughts, hijacked by your emotions or in an intense conversation with someone in the car or on the phone (hands free I hope!) and everything else was a blur? You auto-piloted everything else. You drove the car without thinking, obeyed all the signs without attention, stayed safe without fear, didn’t injure anyone, and this without worry. Your body kept you alive and in motion without your awareness.
Most of our days are spent like this or similar to it. We exist through it without being awake. We stumble around life by routine, reaction or force. Very little is done by awareness – choice. There are even times when we are presented with a choice and we turn around and ask someone else what they want because we don’t even want to make a choice. We want it easy, thoughtless and effortless. Think about it… in a 24 hour cycle, how often are you living awake? What is the quality of your awareness?
Live Awake simply put, is a profound (rich) quality of presence or awareness. Being aware of your “self” and your life journey, on purpose. Your five senses all engaged, but through your awareness of yourself. It’s a gentle stillness in all the “busyness” of life around you that you are missing out on or unaware of… (full article continued on my website)