“Tell me I'll forget, show me I may remember,involve me and I will understand.
Posted on August 01, 2011 by Carla Langmead, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The best sort of support originates from peoples own understandings and willingness to understand.
It’s not a co-incidence that we tend to be drawn towards people who we believe understand us. It’s in our human nature, like attracts like. To what degree our friends and family understand us becomes clear when tragedy or a major issue presents itself. When we talk about compassion, i.e. The ability to understand what someone else may need right now, we can not define it logically as it is so very intrinsic. Some people simply do not have that hard wiring for compassion as they themselves may have never experienced it. We perceive our reality based on our own hardwiring. Hardwiring which is there because of our genetics, experiences and socialisation. So with that in mind it’s so very easy to be constantly let down and disappointed through our expectations of others because everybody’s belief system is unique to them. This is a challenge for us all. Save yourself some energy and don’t waste precious productive time on disappointment towards people who may have let you down. Understand that for whatever reason it is just not in them to give what you may desperately need. Take charge yourself by reaching out to people who do have the compassion to assist, like local support groups or other like minded people who have had similar experiences.We define ourselves by what we do or don’t do. If you don’t like the outcomes around you, or you feel disappointed or stagnant when they shouldn’t be, then ensure that you do something different to produce a different result. We can’t change others only ourselves. This weeks questions for contemplation are;What does it mean to you to be compassionate?Under what circumstances do you feel inclined to feel compassion?How does it feel physiologically to feel compassion?How does it feel to act on that?When was the last time you supported someone who needed help?Carla is Whanganui’s Wellness Coachwww.wellnesscoaching.ac.nzPh: 345 2494